Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday: mostly back to normal

Things were mostly back to normal today: Ben went to work, Joshua went to school, and I did my chores.  Isaac has been normal, or as normal as he ever gets, this whole time.

That all being said, it wasn't a very interesting day.  The weather is starting to warm up (low 50s today) so I didn't wear a coat.  I got my winter tires taken off and my all-season tires put on.  I didn't go to karate just to give myself a bit longer to get better - I'm close, but I'm not sure I'm exercise close.

Due to the snow day, my class ended up with a test the day before spring break.  I normally only have 1/2-2/3 of the students in class, and about half of the students that are gone are gone for reasons that they can't really control.  ("The baseball team is leaving early."  "My ride home is leaving two days early."  We won't talk about my feelings with this, because no one really cares.)  Anyway, I gave two alternate times for students to take the test so that we don't have to worry about it after break.  Well, I had!...student sign up to take advantage of this.  I'm fluctuating now between wondering if the students completely ignored my communication attempts and will be gone or if everyone will actually be in class.  Stay tuned.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Saturday: still recovering

 The morning was pretty good.  I was feeling pretty good and Joshua didn't have a fever and was moving around more like normal.  We had an almost normal morning.

Late afternoon though, I started feeling gross.  Just tired and yucky, but annoying.  The days always start out so good and end so yucky.

In the morning we were building Lego and we watched Tornado slowly steal Ben's screwdriver.  Tornado always likes it a lot, but then whenever Ben would look at Tornado he would stop playing with the screwdriver and act all nonchalant.  It was pretty funny.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Friday: even better

 I actually did stuff today.  Sure, I've done stuff the past few days I've been home, but this was the first time I enjoyed doing the stuff and got more finished than just the minimum amount.  I'm still not 100%, but I'm probably at a good 85%.

We thought Joshua was on the mend but he had a fever again in the morning, about an hour after waking up.  He did, however, have a few dance moves after dinner so he was feeling at least a little better. He is still only whispering which is rather annoying.

vacation: Vespa ride

Vespa rides were one of the highlights of the week.  I glossed over them because I wasn't part of the riding, but the kids loved them.  And Ben let both boys drive by themselves for a little bit, which was *the best*.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Thursday: a bit better, a bit worse, eggs

 I felt a bit better today.  I felt a lot better this morning, but around noon I started to get worse.  It's "just" stuffy head and runny nose now though.  While it's very annoying, it's just a bad cold again.

Joshua, on the other hand, was doing a bit worse today.  He still had a fever this morning and can't talk.

Also, I wanted to note that I paid $6/dozen eggs yesterday.  I've heard stories of worse prices for a dozen eggs, but still wanted to note this extreme price for me.  I'm not sure that we'll be doing Easter eggs this year.  That's ok...we still haven't done gingerbread houses for Christmas.  We usually wait until about now to do gingerbread houses, but I keep forgetting to get the candy.  Hopefully egg prices will go back down and we can do Easter eggs in June.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wednesday: a bit worse, lunch

I'll start with the health update.  I did the bare minimum today to keep the house running.  Ok, maybe a few things more, but not much.  I ran the dishwasher once, kept the laundry going, and got groceries.  I also changed the water filter in the fridge.  Oh!  I made applesauce for dinner, but it was a mistake.  After peeling the apples, I was ready to be done.  Then I managed to cut the apples.  I was really done at that point, but figured I could push through getting the rest of the ingredients in the pot.  I managed.  And then I collapsed into bed for a bit.  The rest of the early evening was...annoying.  But it's mostly like a bad cold now.

Joshua had a fever in the morning, so he'll be home from school again tomorrow, as expected.  Some of the day he wasn't great, some of the day was just ok.  His cough is still around, but better.

This morning I made Isaac's lunch.  It was exciting because it is the only school lunch I need to make for Isaac today.  A few weeks ago he said, "Mom, I'm sorry to say this but your lunches just ...aren't that good."  I was ecstatic!  I don't want to make lunches.  Furthermore, school lunches are free.  I'm happy to work my way out of lunch duty and told him that!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tuesday: better, I suppose

Honestly, I felt a ton better today.  However, that only put me at about 75%.  It was enough to teach (with a mask)...but just barely.  I reached the last thing I needed to talk about with the second class and my voice was about ready to give out.  I went home early, attempted to take a nap, and finished required stuff for work.  My eyeballs felt like they were being poked by pins.

In other bad news, Joshua came down with this illness today.  It was so sad.  At one point he was walking around but it was about one step every five seconds.  Most of the day was bad but not that bad.  Unless he gets better faster than expected, he'll be out of school for the rest of the week.