Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday: time for dinner!

This is how I described myself right before dinner:

"I'm very a little hungry."

It's a weird feeling, only being hungry for a small amount of food but being really hungry for it.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday: rarely seen friends

Today we were planning on seeing two rarely seen friends. We spent a few hours in the afternoon playing Dominion with Luke...we hadn't seen him in several months so it was nice to catch up. We were going to meet Laura for dinner at Texas Roadhouse, but the dumb airline overbooked her flight and she got bumped. We had frozen pizza instead and didn't get to see her. :(

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday: laundered money

Ben and I were about to leave for an event at church, and he can't find his wallet. We're looking in all the normal places and trying to figure out where it was last...and then I find it in his pants, that I just washed. I laundered some money today.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday: snow and quilts

Today was a beautiful day! It snowed a thick sticky snow last night so this morning it was a winter wonderland. Actually, it was that way for most of the day. I braved the roads and went to work. It was a little bad, but thanks to our great four-wheel drive it wasn't too bad. When I got home I had to shovel the driveway before I could park though. Or half the driveway. Actually less than half...just enough to get the car in. There was about 12" of snow, but it didn't drift for once which was nice.
Like I mentioned, I finished the quilt top last night. The pattern called out for the colorful circles to also be in a cross between the blocks, but that was just getting way too busy. I looked at it with the green fabric, but that didn't match well enough, so I just took them out.

Here is the beginning of the back.

And my new fabric. Notice the black...I still cringe a little bit when thinking about making it into a baby blanket, but I want to try it. I'm hoping it will be better than I expect, and I really like the fabric.

And of course, Flurry.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday: this and that

I don't really have much to write about today, so you'll get an eclectic mix.

*I saw another heterograph: "You should sight a process here."

*I finished my quilt top! And I figured out what I'm doing with the back. The back can be so hard some times because I don't really want to spend that much time on it, but at the same time I don't have enough left over fabric to just cover the whole back. I'll post pictures tomorrow...I'm sure you can't wait.

*I was in a professional movie for work that was up on a website today. It was part of the celebration of National Engineer Week. Sadly, it appears as though you need to be logged into the intranet to be able to see it.

*I tried using the word "unfortunately" above instead of sadly, but that is just one word that doesn't seem to work for me. And it took me about 20 seconds to get it close enough for spell-check to figure out what I was trying to say. But I think that is because sometimes spell check is dumb.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday: today

When I'm stressed, I've found it helps to sleep. So I'm going to go sleep.

Good night.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday: four question friday

1. If you had $10,000 to donate to a charity, which would you choose?
I'd buy goats. I usually get them from CRWRC.
(Image from here.)

2. Snow days: Do you welcome them happily or are they a pain in your butt?
Well, I don't have kids so snow days really don't affect me too much. However, if I need to stay home then it depends if I brought me computer with me. If I can work from home snow days are fun. If I can't, they're annoying because I need to take an unplanned vacation.

3. What talent did you wish you had and why?
The ability to think on my feet faster in order to persuade them to agree with my opinion.

4. Are you a news, politics or celebrity gossip junkie?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ten years ago today

Ten years ago today I was in a physics lab. It was about Faraday's Law. My lab report even had a cool graph and equations.

But the coolest thing about this day was my lab partner.
Although I know that both of us left that lab without another thought about our lab partner, today still marks the 10 year anniversary of our first meeting.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday: heaven

Today I finished the book Heaven is for Real. It is what a little boy saw when he went to heaven for three minutes. It's an easy read, and I'd definitely recommend it.

Two parts stuck out to me...1) that the boy got angry and upset when people died and they didn't know Jesus. Shouldn't I feel that way? 2) That he saw family members. He saw a sister that had been miscarried and a great-grandpa. When Mom died I sometimes wondered if I'd see her again...that heaven must be this amazing place and why would you want to see family when you could be worshiping God. While I realize that this book is not the Bible, there is also no reason for me not to believe what it says...and that means that I'll get to see my Mom again.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday: heterographs

To begin with, I'll admit that I had to use wikipedia to find the word "heterograph". I knew what I was looking for, but not what the word is. Heterographs are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean different things. One of the most common hetergraphs is there/their/they're.

Lately I've been noticing more uncommon heterographs. I can kind of understand the there/their/they're problem...two of those words are not nouns. (Although I also think that with a moment of thought, it is easy to figure out the correct one.) Here are the ones I've seen, with made-up sentences...

"I maid the program last night, so it should be all set." (This one really surprised me and it took me a while to figure out what was going on.)

"I finished the hole thing."

"I took the forth train." (Actually, I think I spelled this wrong earlier, but I've since fixed it.)

Isn't language interesting? What are your favorite heterographs?

Friday: weather

Today the weather was really nice out...when I got out of work the thermometer in the car said 67 degrees. (Although by the time I got home it said 62, which seemed much closer.) But now it is super windy outside.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday: Panera

Tonight I had dinner with some friends at Panera. It was a late dinner, so first I went fabric shopping. I'm happy with my choices...I think. There is a black fabric that I really like, but we'll see how well it works.

Anyway, the time at Panera was a lot of fun. We had dinner and then sat around until closing time. It was a great place to do that.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday: computers, quilts, and elbows

Today I was putting together a computer (like the keyboard, speakers, mouse, etc) and looked at the keyboard to sign in. Someone had moved the keys around so that instead of 3-4-5-6-7-8-9 it said "GOTCHYA". Sigh. I go to change it out only to realize that I had already neatly twisty-tied all the cables back. So I decided it would be faster to change the keys back to their original positions.

The insides of my elbows were sore today. How could such a thing happen? They weren't very sore, but sore enough that I periodically noticed them. I don't notice the insides of my elbows very much.

And I started the next quilt. It would go faster if I didn't have to rip out so many seams. This is one square (although not completely together yet). There will be four or six squares.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday: Crazy Love chapter 4

At church we're going through the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. This week's chapter was about being lukewarm. The chapter made it feel like if I'm not doing the things that he listed I'm a bad Christian. But if I can put those feelings to the side, I can also realize that there are many aspects of my life in which I'm not a great Christian. Good? Maybe. Sometimes I have to squint. But God is the most important thing in my life and I don't always act like he is.

I can start with a basic question: does everyone around me know that I love God? My family does. My friends do. I guess that even my faithful blog readers know. (If there even are any that don't fall into the friends and family category.) But do my co-workers? I'm pretty sure they know I'm a Christian. But do they know that I love God? I spend a lot of time with them. But the most I ever talk about is that I've gone to church. Anything more than that is uncomfortable.

So my prayer today, and hopefully for the days to follow, is that I'm more uncomfortable.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday: Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! I received some flowers. :)

Ben spent it skiing. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday: the quilt

It's finished!
This is the best corner. I used a new method that I found online and it worked pretty well, but I need more practice with it.

Here's the artistic shot.
Overall, I think it came out pretty well. I'm still having edge problems, but it's getting there. The actual quilting part was only ok. It was fun for the first few squares. I didn't see changes happening like I put the quilt top together, so it wasn't as much fun. I'm also not sure what I think of the satin edging. I really like the feel, but it is hard to work with and likes to snag.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday: tomorrow

So you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see the quilt; it is currently in the dryer.

In other news today, Ben surprised me by getting the groceries. Woo-hoo! That means we don't have to get them tomorrow.

We played some games with friends tonight and I managed to hurt my team a lot at one point. It was funny though because usually I can't hurt my team. Hmm, maybe it was funnier if you were there.

Friday: hi


Flurry thinks it's time for bed. I had a nice evening. Ben and I went to Tioga Trails. The service was slow, as normal, but we had plenty to talk about. Ben and I each won at Dominion once.

My quilt is almost done. I'm starting the forth border now. The first and second sides went well, but I had some serious problems with the third. It came out...ok. Good enough that I'm not going to rip it out again at least. Hopefully I'll have pictures of the finished product tomorrow.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday: fractions

When I'm looking forward to something, I'll often count down the time using fractions. Such as going to space camp, days until my wedding, a vacation, etc. (P.S. It helps to have a good denominator).

Today I forgot my book while exercising, so I counted down the minutes using my factions. Itc went kind of like this:

2 out of 30 minutes: I'm 1/15 done!
3 out of 30 minutes: I'm 1/10 done!
7 out of 30 minutes: I'm 7/30 done. Oh, that's a boring one. Prime numbers are boring.
12 out of 30 minutes: I'm 6/15 done! Wait, it reduces more! I'm 3/5 done! (I actually had to do this one a few times. Sometimes math and exercise doesn't work.)
15 out of 30 minutes: I'm 3/6 done! I'm 1/2 done! Hmm, I wonder if I'm on track to beat the 3200 steps from last time. That would be 1600 steps right now. Yup! I'm beating it!
I'm done!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday: wordless Wednesday

Can it really be a wordless Wednesday if you have a title?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday: tired

Tonight I am tired. tuesdays usually end up being the most tired days because it is get home from work, eat, and go to Bible Study. Today I threw in shovel the driveway and prep for Bible study too. We need to get gas in the grey car. It's been sitting in the garage for the last week plus because 1) it doesn't have any gas 2) it's been snowy and we feel safer in the blue car and 3) we're still trying to drive together many days. Oh, so I told you all that because we had to shovel that half of the driveway tonight. We still didn't get the whole thing done but hopefully enough for me to get out. It's supposed to warm up this weekend, so why shovel if it's going to melt?

I can tell Im tired. I'm rambling.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday: a forward

Today I was looking through the quilt blogs... turns out there's one website that's a compilation of quilt blogs and I've been looking at it. I keep adding cool ideas to my idea power point. I'm adding them too quickly. It's a problem. And maybe a post for another day...

and found someone copied one of those funny forwards. I haven't seen this one yet. So I'll share some that I found especially true.

"Truths for mature humans
3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
4. There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How in the world are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet? (Amanda: I've stopped folding sheets. I just wad them up and stuff them in the drawer.)
7. MapQuest needs to start their directions on step 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
13.I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten page technical report that I'm sure I did not make any changes to.
19. How many times is it appropriate to say "what?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said?"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday: thinking the same thing

Today Ben and I seemed to think the same thing at the same time several times.

Like when the NPR announcer said that it would only take $2.50 per person in the US to update the criminal evidence stuff. We both thought about all the other $2.50s it would take to update everything that needs updating in the US and how it all adds up to a lot more than $2.50.

Or when we stepped on small piles of ice instead of in a puddle and declared ourselves mountain climbers.

Or how as we were leaving the house we both said at the same time what we forgot.

We also watched the Superbowl tonight with some friends. It was fun, but I'm not that much into football. I was rooting for Green Bay, so I'm glad they won.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday: powers of ten

In high school I watched this powers of ten video. It's from the 1960s.

Then the other day I saw a similar one that was made more recently. While I kind of like the other one because it is more... logarithmic... and goes the negative powers, this one is cool because it goes out farther into the universe. It's interesting to see what we're able to see that we couldn't see before.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday: I forgot to post

i forgot to post upstairs and just remembered after I got ready for bed, so this is a post from bed. i took a wonderful nap on the bed this afternoon. flurry curled up with me and we slept a few hours away. It's always a great way to start a weekend.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday: what was I going to talk about?

I thought that I had figured out a topic for tonight's post, but I don't remember what it was. I shoveled the driveway this morning. We only had a dusting of new snow, but I wanted to get the snow that we had missed yesterday. I got some of it. The frozen layer on top was super thick and so I had to step on it before shoveling to break it up. That's what I was going to talk about. How weird it was to step on snow before shoveling...usually I try to avoid stepping on snow before shoveling. And the mound at the end of the driveway is pure ice. The car has to roller coaster over it to get in and out.

I also took a walk around the house to make sure some of the places we don't normally see were looking ok. They are. I was sinking down to the tops of my boots, so we do still have a lot of snow even though the last storm didn't give us much.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday: our non-blizzard

Today's blizzard petered out on us. Boo. I was all prepared, and even looking forward to, working from home today. In my pjs. With a cat on my lap. But then when I looked outside and looked at the forecast there really wasn't any good reason for me to stay home.

I probably could have, but it was good that I was at work too. Some things got taken care of in a more timely manner.

And it's supposed to snow again tonight, but when I checked an hour ago it was just melting.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday: today's happenings

Today is a post about some of the things that happened today.

1. I made my sandwich this morning, which is a normal occurrence. However, I only had one green pepper slice and so I only put one slice on my sandwich. It looked so lonely.

2. I bought a bag of carrots and a small broccoli and have been having them in my lunch instead of baby carrots. I cut the bigger carrots into bite size pieces and so don't mind eating them as much.

3. We were finishing shoveling the driveway as the plow went by the other side of the road. We had two choices A) wait for the plow and shovel the end of the driveway or B) hurry up and beat the plow. We beat the plow, and safely, but if we had been 10 seconds later it would not have been safe any more.

4. Someone tried out a new wire twister at work and loved it. So hopefully we'll be able to buy two. It is fun to be excited about equipment that works like it is supposed to.

5. We canceled Bible Study tonight. The roads probably would have been ok, but ... we didn't want anyone to get hurt. There is a chance of ice and all the cars in the parking lot had icicles on them.

6. I'm tired. I'm thinking about going to bed a little bit early. Maybe I'll get up a little early too and start working. I brought work home in case I can't get into work tomorrow (or want to go in late). We'll see how the weather is.

7. I took a very nice warm shower. My toes were freezing.

8. I got a papercut today.