Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday: wedding pictures

I have all of the wedding pictures posted here. They aren't all great pictures, but I took out the blurriest.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday: goat

I kept laughing about the goat comment, and suddenly this showed up.

I had tears in my eyes.

Saturday: cookies

So I started sharing my electronic to-do list with Ben the other week. I guess it's more than a to-do list...I keep bunches of lists there. One list is "things for christmas." And I keep finding little notes in the spreadsheet now...

They make me laugh.

Oh, I was just informed that Ben moved "make cookies" to the appropriate list since I put it in the wrong list.

Friday: camera cable

I got my camera cable today! I'll be putting up some Thanksgiving pictures shortly, but in the meantime here is Flurry enjoying the packaging. She likes to lick the air in the bubbles.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday: feet

I bought a new foot scrubbing stone over Thanksgiving. It's amazing. I'll be sure to buy new ones regularly from now on.

I also wore different shoes to work today. My feet have been so cold lately and these shoes are warmer, although not as dressy. In the end, they were almost too warm as my feet were a little sweaty sometimes. But it was nice to not be as cold.

Wednesday: work review

I had my bi-yearly review today. I guess it's bi-yearly but this is the one that really matters as raises are based off it. Anyway, I thought it went really well. I'm getting another project to work which is exciting. And I'm on the schedule to get a promotion next year, which I'm also excited about.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday: laughter

So for Bible study we broke up into guys/girls to pray. The girls ended up laughing more than praying, but I know that is what I needed. It was fun