Friday, December 26, 2008

Thursday: Christmas

Merry Christmas! Ben and I spent the day with his family. I got a nice sewing machine...I think I'm going to make a table cloth first. There were lots of other wonderful presents too...Ben and I are excited to use them!

Jacob hiding under paper
Grandpa and Ashlyn opening presents.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tuesday: Christmas with DeYoungs

Today we started out the day with a delicious breakfast followed by opening presents.

Here is a picture were we're sorting the presents but it looks like Nathan is trying to steal them away. I think it is my favorite picture of the day.

We all got these body-blanket things that have arms and zippers...specifically made for using them at them computer. However, they also make us look like penguins or Jedi (depending on whether we're walking or not). We can also only zip the top and have a cape. So many options. :)

Oh, it didn't stop snowing the entire day today. There is a lot of snow. Going to Holland the highway looked plowed, but most of the roads (even the main roads) had not been plowed recently.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday: we made it

We made it to Hudsonville today! We got in around 3:30. It was really nice to see the family for a while.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday: Erie

We ended up leaving today at 3:30pm for Michigan. It was earlier than we had originally been planning on leaving, but the weather was going to be good for a while. We got to Erie, PA before the weather got too bad. It wasn't incredibly snowy, but the wind was causing white out conditions. Hopefully it will be a lot better in the morning!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday: work and Flurry

Work went well this morning. The thing we had to do we pretty much had one shot to do it...else there would be a huge schedule delay. But we did it and it went smoothly. :)

Tonight I was telling Flurry that plastic bags are not for children and small animals to play with. She proceeded to put her head through one of the holes and sit down inside of the bag. Needless to say, she needed help to escape.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday: work, tree, and snow

Well, I had a record number of hours in at work: 53. I realize that this could be worse, but it was rather annoying all the same. However, I do feel as though I got a lot done. I need to go in for a few hours tomorrow :(, but I'm hoping for not too long.

We got a ton of snow today! There was pretty much nothing when we went to work, and at 2 when we came home there was about 6". More has fallen since then too. It is very pretty.

Here is our tree!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday: lists

So Ben likes to "make fun" of my lists. I, of course, have a list of things for work. The funny thing is that I've started making a list of "really do this" things from my to-do list. That's right! Lists from lists. I might never hear the end of it, but found it too funny to not share.