Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday: election day

Isaac and I proudly displayed our "I voted" stickers.

...until Isaac tried to eat them.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday: a matter of perspective

Is the cat trapped behind the door?

Or are the kids held back by the door?
I think they watched each other for about five minutes...an eternity in kid time.

We also had our annual ham and squash, which for some reason I always take a picture of.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday: time change

Well, we've survived one day of the time change.  Isaac slept until 7 (woo-hoo) and we ended up going to the early service at church because every was awake.  He was fighting sleep on the way home and was turning pages in his book with his eyes closed.  It was cute.

He went to sleep earlier than normal (but later than normal if the time change is taken into account).  Aunt C was babysitting him and said he did pretty well until 7pm.  We were home shortly thereafter and put him to bed.  I know...exciting news.

We also put up the dart board.  Ben and I each won a match.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday: sleep

So, this morning Isaac ended up sleeping in until 8:00am (with one feeding)!  Hooray!  He's often been taking only two naps instead of three and I'm wondering if that is helping.

We are trying to slowly change Isaac's sleep schedule since Daylight Savings Ends tomorrow.  The last few days he's stayed up about fifteen minutes later and we were going to try for a half hour tonight.  Except that Isaac pretty much had a meltdown.  Ben and I have never seen him like that before...usually if we pick him up and/or do something with him he'll calm down.  But not tonight.  We skipped the bath and ended up back at his normal bedtime.

Tomorrow will be fun. :(

Friday: 44 weeks

I said last week that the heart was Isaac's favorite toy, but this week it was these jingle balls.  Originally marketed as cat toys, Flurry wanted nothing to do with them.    Isaac loves them.  It's nice because we can hear were he is and there are six of them, so they've spread through the house.  But if you give Isaac three of them he's entertained for a while since he only has two hands and keeps dropping one to pick up the third.

Trying a new pose...I'm not really a fan, but we didn't get many pictures that turned out this week.

And cuteness in a box.  Why are kids and pets so cute when they're in boxes?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday: sleeping in

Today was a lovely day.  Isaac slept in until 7:17.  I think it's funny that I now consider 7:17 to be sleeping in.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday: Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Isaac learned a new trick...standing in his crib.  Needless to say, it's hard to sleep when you're standing.

We visited Dad so we could show off the shirt with more physics books and a physicist.

This shot is a bit random, but a few weeks ago a big black spider suddenly dropped down in front of my sewing machine.  (Although not as big as the one shown.)  It freaked me out a bit.

Isaac went to visit all the great-grandparents in his Halloween costume.  I forgot to get one of him by himself. Maybe tomorrow.