Isaac has suddenly become an incredibly picky eater. His love of peas is gone. He won't touch cubed cheese. Carrots and eggs are pushed to the side immediately. Pasta is a no-go. Basically, about half his food options are suddenly not options anymore.
I've decided that Isaac should eat his food out of respect for his parents. If there were only a few things that he didn't like that would be ok. But to make Ben work for money, have me think about what to buy, go to the store, prep the food, think about what to feed him for a specific meal, and get it ready for him just so that he doesn't eat most of what I give him is unacceptable.
Also, my sewing machine just stopped working. So much for the last minute finishing of my Christmas potholders. I'm about to start taking it apart. Hopefully I won't stay up too late if I can't easily find the cause. :p
edit: it's fixed. phew. It needed a good cleaning, but I'm not sure if that was the problem. What I did discover is that there are a lot of screws attaching the plastic outer covering to the machine, but that the covering still wouldn't come off. It seemed kind of mean to make me take out all those screws and not have it be worth my while.