Saturday, November 1, 2014

Saturday: covers

I don't understand it...Ben always ends up with the covers at night, but I end up with the top sheet.  I understand how blankets get stolen in the middle of the night, but how do half go one way and half go the other?

Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday: Happy Halloween!

To start with, I moved Joshua's room around a bit so that the swing could fit in it.  I'm hoping it will be a bit quieter and darker and will let him take a few longer naps during the day.  (It sort of worked today.  Joshua thought he should wake up after 30 minutes into nap time, we debated for 30 minutes, and then he went to sleep.)

Isaac rounded up most of our pacifiers for Joshua.  He really feels as though in the swing is the best place for them.

Here is Isaac's new daily picture "of all of us."

For Halloween Joshua was a monster.

Isaac was Mickey Mouse.  We went to Betsy's church and that worked out very nicely.  Isaac quickly caught on to the fact that he got to take something from each bowl.  (He probably knew it was candy, but hasn't tried most of them yet.)  The church was great too because it was just the right amount of candy...quite a bit but not oodles.  It was also great because it was inside - it snowed today and was rather cold.

He got to eat one piece of candy at the church and then on the way home he really wanted to eat his animal crackers.  I asked him for one more picture with his bag.  I was thinking bag of candy, but he had a one track mind and pulled out his bag of animal crackers.  He is saying cheese's just a rather funny face.

At home we only got one set of surprise trick-or-treaters.  I was giving Joshua a bath and had the under cabinet lights on.  And there was a light on in the living room.  But apparently that was enough for a group of kids to come over.  I was a little was after 8 and still thought we were pretty dark.  But maybe there weren't any other houses that they could see with lights on and they "got away" from the parents?  Anyway, I gave Ben a short heads up, he scrambled for candy, and they all got caramel kisses.  I wouldn't have cared except it was annoying to scramble for candy.  Needless to say, Joshua's bath was cut short.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday: 34 months

Isaac is months today!

Sleeping - he has been sleeping in many mornings lately, until 7:45 or 8.  He takes a nap probably 2/3 of the time.  He's fighting a little cold, so that might be part of why he's sleeping so much.  When he doesn't nap I can tell at the very end of the day.

Playing - he still loves Duplos and "baby marbles".  His screen time of choice has been Wall-E for the last week.  We just loop it over and over in the hour that he's allowed.  It's actually a pretty good movie for has robots and really isn't that scary.  He also still really likes puzzles, especially when I let him play them on the Ipad.  He likes taking pictures with the camera.

Learning - I've heard him say the numbers 1-10 in order (and they're all there now).  The alphabet gets up through P and then usually starts over with H.  We just started working on his (and our) full names, although if he got lost I'm not sure anyone could understand him.  Speaking of speaking, he often puts an extra -es on the plural of things.  So giraffes are giraffe-es.  It's cute.

Listening - we've been working on listening to his parents, although really he does a pretty good job most days.  So he listens when I ask him not to run through puddles on the way into church, knowing that he usually will get to run through them afterwards.

Pretend - He's still great at pretending, with traps being the latest and greatest thing.  Everything gets trapped and he unlocks several traps every day.

Eating - he's a pretty good eater, although he has his own ideas sometimes about what he's willing to eat.  Lately he's wanted to drink his yogurt, so it now goes in a cup.  Whatever makes it go down.

Praying - when asked what he wants to pray for, he usually thanks God for Jesus, thunder and lightning, and anything he can see.

Potty training - ugg.  October was less than successful after a great September.  We only had a handful of days without accidents.  That being said, the end of October has been getting better again and if there are accidents it's usually only one per day.  He will often run to the toilet to poop, but can't quite get there for pee.  We've been wearing pull-ups more often because I keep my temper better.  But he can pull up his underwear better, which is a definite bonus.

Family - he is a great big brother.  He will often get a pacifier or rattle for Joshua "in case he cries."  I can ask him to watch Joshua for short amounts of time and know that he will.  (This has the added benefit of keeping Isaac in one spot.)  Isaac loves Grandma and Other Grandma.  I think that Grandma is Pat and Other Grandma is Cheryl, but it seems to change sometimes.  It's rather confusing.

In other news, we visited Ben's Grandma today and had a great time.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday: monitors

So we've been having some baby monitor problems.  Isaac's contact with the power cord is super twitchy and likes to disconnect if you breathe incorrectly.  Joshua's monitor has to be rather close (i.e., just outside our bedroom door) so that it doesn't randomly unlink.  So while both are working, it was rather annoying.  I'm already waking up for children, I don't need to wake up for monitors too.

So Ben did used his superpower of searching for electronics (that aren't crazy expensive) and found some cameras that would work and have computer/phone apps.  So now we have two monitors that we can control from our phones.  (There is a computer interface too, but it isn't quite as nice.)  We've only used them for one night, but I like them.  (I will warn you that Ben said he had to do quite a bit of fiddling to make everything connect correctly.)

There are more infrared lights, so we get a very good picture.  We can change the squelch threshold to be "just right".  We can move the camera (not that I foresee doing that much.)  We can take pictures and video.  (I was hoping Isaac would be funny tonight, but he wasn't.  I'm sure a video will come shortly.)  We can still talk through the cameras.  The downside is that my phone can only go about three hours while monitoring without being plugged in, but that really isn't too bad.  And I'll still keep the old monitors around for vacations.

So far, two thumbs up!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday: 3 months (13 weeks)

Joshua is now 3 months old!

He eats about every three hours (except at night, when it is closer to seven).  He is a really fast eater, which is really rather handy.

Sleeping is only ok.  He often sleeps well from 8pm until about 3am.  He's usually up a bit around that time.  He eats again around 6am and sleeps in the swing for another two hours.  He has really short naps (30 min) throughout the rest of the day, although the nap around 1:30pm will sometimes last two hours.

He's full of smiles.  For everyone.  He's becoming more aware of his surroundings, which has been fun to see.  He also has much better neck control this past month.

He loves eating his fists recently.  Sometimes he likes being held, but he also likes wiggling on the floor or in his bouncy seat...I feel as though overall he's a very easy going kid.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday: a few pictures

Joshua in the bouncy seat.  Joshua seems to enjoy this significantly more than Isaac did...which is rather nice.  He can watch what we're doing.

Isaac learned about the timer on the camera today and we took several group shots.  I really like how this one turned out.

Isaac also finished a 24 piece puzzle all by himself!  He did the outer border while I was out of the room and I watched him do the inside, but I didn't help or even talk him through it.  (Please keep in mind that we have done this puzzle many times.  He's quite familiar with it.)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday: What?

Isaac's new thing is to say, "What?" or "What Mom?"

Except that he says it when I haven't said anything or have said something that he obviously understands what I just said.

It is super annoying.