Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday: grocery shopping

...With Bear.  Joshua became a bit concerned around the lobsters, but told me he would keep Bear safe.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday: remembering

As I left daycare today I overheard Isaac telling his teacher about his vacation..."and they had Legos in the pool!"

Then, as we were pulling into the driveway, Joshua started going on about how he doesn't like tater tots.  The ones Ben gave him at LegoLand.  Nope, he didn't want tater tots and he didn't want them in LegoLand or at home.  He was quite sure of this for five minutes.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday: home

We came home today.  Both boys were quite sad at one point or another.  Joshua kept insisting that we go back to Grandma's house and almost threw a fit when he saw our car.  Isaac went into his bedroom when we got home and cried a bit.

Bear made it through all the flights well too.  He was still smiling near the end even.

The boys were also excited to realize that their stuffed animals from Grandma came home too.  Isaac's tongue is hanging out like Pluto's but you can't see it.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday: relaxing day

Today we had a relaxing day.  We played in the pool, had some ice cream, played some games.

Bear got fed a lot of cookies and cakes.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Monday: family member #5

I'd like to introduce you to family number #5, Bear.  Joshua saw a truck on the way and told Ben is was a truck, not an elephant.  Then as we were checking out every single gate he saw an airplane.  "A bird!" He exclaimed.  "A seagull!"

Isaac also had a good time on the plane with unlimited screen time.

Isaac also touched the ceiling with his feet during gymnastics.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Sunday night: thunder went boom

...And Joshua ended up in our bed for the rest of the night.

I heard all about it in the morning.  "Thunder went boom!  Scared."

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Saturday: I want Mom

Saturday morning Joshua took quite a bonk to the head.  One of those where he cuddled with me for a good fifteen minutes and I reviewed the signs of concussions.

He became more active, and eventually went off to play.  I continued...doing whatever I needed to do around the corner
Joshua came back in the bedroom and said, "I want Mom."  I said, "I'm right here."  The sigh of relief that he then gave was so sweet.  Sometimes I do tell him that I can't pick him up, but after such a large bonk was not one of those times.  So I got some more cuddles.