Saturday, October 6, 2018

Saturday: marble painting

As part of his homework due on Monday, Isaac needs to come up with ideas to write about.  (They're calling it a 'Heart Map.')  Anyway, we've been putting it off because no one has really wanted to do it.  We finally got all the ideas on it today.

The most surprising one that he came up with was Marble Painting.  I guess having an idea and seeing it come to fruition really made an impression on him. 

After we filled up about half the spaces we started using the blog to look for ideas.  Isaac seemed rather surprised at all the content and probably would have spent a long time looking.  I made him go quickly and only look at the pictures because I wanted to be done with this homework assignment.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday: a new style of shorts

This morning I updated the closets.  For Isaac this didn't mean much, but for Joshua he got all of the 4t clothing put in his closet and a reorganization since there are a lot of long sleeve shirts right now.  (I think he's almost out of a lot of the 3t stuff, but I like to see it too short and take it out after the next wash.)

Anyway, I explained the new system to him and let him get dressed.  A few minutes later he comes into my bedroom and says, "Mom, these shorts don't fit."

After a very fast inspection the reason was obvious - he was wearing a sweater.  One leg through an arm hole and one leg through the torso hole.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday: greenhouse, cars, raspberries

We went to the Hope College Greenhouse today since we couldn't go with Lego League last week.  From the bit that we heard yesterday, the GVSU one was probably bigger (and cooler).  It also was quite an adventure to get to the Hope Greenhouse.  While it's open to the public, you need to go down small hallways and through closed doors.  There are no signs marking it's location.  We didn't stay long, but our objective was fulfilled; we saw a greenhouse.

On the way home, out of nowhere, Joshua says, "Mom, sometimes I get confused because toilet paper is white and cars are white and sometimes I think white cars are made of toilet paper."  Well, that hit Isaac's funny bone and he proceeded to ask Joshua what the other color cars are made of...
red = apples
yellow = broken stop lights and honey
blue = water
brown = crayons
tan = tan Legos
green = leaves

We got home and I picked the raspberries.  It's been a bit longer than usual since I last picked, but I think I also got the largest amount of the summer.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Wednesday: kids

Joshua is coming into our room earlier and earlier.  Last night he came in, smiled at me, and went right to sleep.  I don't think that we said a word, but he seemed surprisingly awake.

Isaac went to a special cadet thing today.  Ben's back is acting up, so Dad went with him.  Since grandparents are allowed to spoil their grand kids, Isaac might have had a better time than going with a parent.  He got three cookies, two bags of chips, and hot dog.  There was also a strong man show that Isaac really seemed to enjoy.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tuesday: on Hope

"Hope is not believing that God will give us a certain outcome because we believe. Hope is believing that the infinitely wise, infinitely loving, infinitely perfect, infinitely satisfying God will be enough for me, whether I get the thing that I want in my life or not."  Rich Nathan

Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday: colonoscopy

My colonoscopy results were normal.  Hooray!  I don't need to do it for another five years.

However, I need to complain about the medicine for the prep.  In the past I think it's been orange flavored.  The yucky orange, but overall not that bad.  This time there was no flavor.  It tasted like Robitussin.  I had to drink 16 oz last night and 16 oz this morning.  It was a lot of Robitussin.  I gulped some of it down so I didn't have to taste it too much, but you can only do that so long.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday: that sounds good

Tomorrow is my colonoscopy, so today was the day I don't get to eat anything.  Everything sounded good to eat.  It was especially annoying to make the boys' lunches or pack Isaac's lunch for the morning and not be able to taste what I'm putting on their plates, like I normally do.  And peanut butter pretzels...they're really just the right amount of salt and well, not really creamy but whatever the pb adds.  I couldn't have those either.

But beyond being grumpy because I couldn't eat the day went fine.