Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Weekend: Fort Wayne

The boys and I went to Fort Wayne this weekend.  We saw Nathan and family briefly for a hike last summer, but that's all.  The children woke up at 5:30 they were so excited to see each other.

It was also Mom's death day.  I haven't gotten her flowers yet, but will.  It seemed more appropriate to have all her grandchildren together.

The kids played very well together.  There was a ton of running around, but there was also some quieter play.  We did kick them outside for a little bit too. :D

We went to a playground in the afternoon.  There was a lot of follow-the-leader, even if they didn't do it on purpose.  Find one child and the rest would be following.

The children were exhausted by the end of the day.  Joshua couldn't handle the location of his sleeping bag and ended up sleeping in my room.  The rest of the kids fell asleep almost right away and they all slept until about seven.  (All the kids normally wake up in the 6:15/6:30 range.)

The next day we went to a different park.  There were some fun sticks...

...and some pictures to find on the sidewalk.

Their bushes and trees were abloom!  Joshua doesn't wear sunglasses anymore though, so I told him to just close his eyes.

The kids all managed to sleep in the same room, but the sleeping bags were moved around several times.  Nathan had to go in there after a while and tell them to go to sleep.  The laughter was so loud...but also indicative of a great sleep over.

Hmm, this was mostly about the kids.  But I had some great conversations with Nathan and Liz too.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Monday: back into the swing

 We took a long weekend to go to Fort Wayne.  It was a wonderful time and worthy of it's own post.  I'll get around to it soon.

...but if I don't start writing something I'm afraid I'll stop.  It's too easy to get a backlog of posts and then not write.

Today we went back to normal stuff...school, karate, etc.  I finally had the boys take down the fort in Isaac's room and am going to put both mattresses in that room.  Partially because Nathan is loaning us a bike trainer and I put it in Joshua's room because he doesn't use the room much.  But Isaac's mattress was taking up a lot of room so I'm moving it back.  And since I'm moving a few things around, I might as well move everything around!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wednesday: vaccine day 2

My arm was pretty sore last night and I'm pretty sure I had a fever.  It was a good thing that Ben came to bed when he did because the fever was just starting and I can never convince myself to get out of bed to get medicine once it starts.  Today was pretty good.  I'm a little sore this evening, but I'm not sure I can blame it on the vaccine anymore.

Tuesday: vaccine 2!

 I finished my second COVID shot today!  It was a little bit surreal, honestly.  There wasn't a reminder to come get it, there wasn't a location confirmation, or any of that.  I showed up at the same place and was happy to see that I was in the system.  (I wasn't really worried that I wasn't, but at the same time...)

I got a button too!

My arm is a bit sore this evening.  I'm also rather tired, but it's also been a long day so I don't know how much is just normal tiredness.  Anyway, I'm off to bed earlier than normal, although I might stay up reading rather late.  The boys have a (mostly) screen time day tomorrow since it's spring break, so they'll be busy and won't need me as much.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Monday: egg hunt

 We did our Easter egg hunt today.  Wow, it feels like we did it two days ago.  Apparently it was a slow day.

The boys are getting older so we were able to hide the eggs a bit better.  It was rather fun to see the burst of excitement when they found one!

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Saturday: in pictures

We took a walk to pick up cat supplies.  Surprisingly, it rated as the best thing of the day (after screen time, of course).  Isaac enjoyed using his scooter and Joshua got to ride in the stroller for part of it.  The stroller was needed more for transporting cat supplies, but he took advantage of it being empty on the way there.

I trimmed a new quilt for our bed.  It's the first time I've laid it out and I love it!  It's hard to see the quilting texture in this photo, but it adds to the design.  This quilt has been an idea for a long time, so to finally see the almost finished product was exciting.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Friday: The eyes have it

 More eyes were found (and put) around the house today.  It's been fun finding them.

A few days ago Isaac was emptying a box and found a bunch of the baby food containers that I had saved.  He mentioned that there were no lids, so I said I'd probably throw them out.  Instead they became toys (at least for a bit.)  They started with just stacking them, but then came into the bedroom and started throwing them and pretending they were ice cubes.  It was surprisingly fun.