I wrapped almost all of the presents for Dec 24 and 25. I consolidated the presents for next weekend. And ended up with a big box pile!
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Friday: presents!
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Thursday: climbing
Today went well. The kitchen is mostly clean. Many presents got wrapped.
While I was picking up Isaac from rock climbing, I was talking with one of the other moms. She mentioned that she needed to dethaw the meat. Dethaw! That's a word Mom used to use. I used it for a while until Ben mentioned that it actually means to freeze meat, although it is a combination of defrost and thaw.
The 'professional' pictures from the last rock climbing competition came out and Isaac was caught for once.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Wednesday: swirls
Ahh, my thoughts were pretty swirly today. There are a lot of things with Christmas that need to be remembered.
This morning I frosted the brownies, made peanut butter cookies, dealt with shredded chicken, and made mashed potatoes. I'm not keeping up with the dishwasher, so that made things a bit difficult. There is only a short food thing to deal with tomorrow though, so maybe it'll happen.
I worked on getting Christmas presents ready.
Oh! Laundry! I did that too.
So yeah - it wasn't all that exciting of a day, but it was fine.
This lego pencil fooled me. I thought the eraser looked weird at a glance, but I only glanced at it.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Tuesday: Christmas prep
Well, now that grades are in I can start working more on Christmas prep. Although really, the day was pretty boring.
I got groceries, went to the library, and dropped off the compost. I made brownies, chex mix, and started getting some Christmas presents prepped.
I took a nap. It was a lovely nap.
I made dinner. I feel like I did a few other things but I'm not sure what. A few emails, cleaning up a few things, stuff like that.
We went to rock climbing. Joshua came up with a new game. I don't always love new games, but this one turned out pretty good! There is one off-limits hold on a route, choosen by person 1. Person 2 gets three guesses as to which hold it is. If they guess it, great! It gets skipped as you do the route. If Person 2 doesn't guess it correctly, they have do the route with as few holds as possible so that they don't accidently use the off-limits hold.
By the time we get back from rock climbing, Isaac takes a shower, and we eat, it is pretty much time for the kids to go to bed. Yesterday I finished a quilt top, which usually means I at least pretend to clean up my desk and deal with odd things. Isaac really needed some clothes alterations done, so I did two of his three items.
And then it turns out it is time for me to go to bed. Yesterday my to-do list was at rather high, and I think I added as many things as I took away today. But maybe tomorrow I'll be extra productive!
Monday, December 16, 2024
Monday: grades
I put grades in today! I finished up what I needed to finish and put grades in by 11am. A bit longer than I was hoping, but still done.
I had lunch with a friend. I took a nap. I made dinner. I got rid of some of the short tasks on my list.
Also, I realized today that I forgot ear day! Ear day is Dec 13 and it's when ears are the best for eating. It's a cyclical thing, and July 13 is the day when they taste the worst. Anyway, I forgot the day until I was teasing Joshua during nightly questions. So I ate his ears. Then Isaac showed up and I called him in a for a hug. He was rather suspicious, but came for a hug anyway. And I ate his ear. But! Everyone was laughing!
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Sunday: got better
This morning was a bit rough. The kids and I had different expectations about breakfast and time management, and so Isaac was sad I rushed him out the door and Joshua was starving because he didn't eat second breakfast.
But then it started to get better. Isaac finished all the pages of a math test that he needed to finish faster than normal. Joshua went to a fun birthday party while the rest of us played Apiary. (Isaac and I tied, but I won on the tie-breaker. So, per tradition, I had to put the game away at the end.)
I send Isaac some desmos equations that returned swirling hearts. He gave me a single heart back:
"Joshua is an exceptionally kind person. He really cares about how other people feel. "