Saturday, February 8, 2025

Saturday: ups and downs

I had a nice day today.  Legos, nap, games.  A few things got done too.

Isaac and Joshua mostly had a good day, but they got on each other's nerves more than normal.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday: blood donation

Today I had a power red blood donation.  (They take more blood but then give me some of my fluids back.)  I drank so much water this morning!  (Within safe levels, of course.)  I got there a there a little early, but then realized I was the first donor of the morning.  So I waited around a bit but because I was a power red donation I got to sign in first.  My iron was fine!  That's always a worry.  I moved to the table and they looked at my arms.  Normally around this time they look, do a lot of tapping, hem and haw, and then choose an arm.  The needle sometimes has a hard time going in.  This time they took a quick look, tapped for a second, and said, "this one".  The needle went right in.  There's a little bag that needs to fill up with power red before they get started and apparently mine filled up much faster than normal.  Must have been all the water!!  The donation otherwise went well and was one of the best I've had.

I was glad that I had my blanket with me.  The cold fluids made me cold.  I made it through the canteen but started shivering on my way out.  I easily made it home, had a small lunch, and then napped in my warm blanket.

As expected, I didn't get much of my normal work done today.  But Fridays are my O:CtH day.  I had about 25 minutes so I decided to work on it and ignore the other stuff I should be doing.  Ben and I decided that we really didn't need all of our college text books anymore.  (Although Isaac noted that we should keep some so that we have books to use as solid things to put under things.)  I pulled out two boxes of my old notes and course packets and decided I didn't need most of them.  I kept two out, but in hindsight I think I'll get rid of them too.  I also pulled out a box of books.  (There are still at least six boxes left.)

But there were some sentimental items.  I found two copies of a Maple guide....Ben and I took the same class!  

I had both general physics final exams...graded in Dad's handwriting.  I'm proud of the essay for the check+++, but we'll also keep in mind that several points were removed throughout the rest of the test.

Oh, I missed the units.  Do you know how many times I've written that on someone's assignment?  Or told Isaac he always has to include them?

Ben and I also found Tornado in the cats' new toy.  Joshua picked it out and we haven't seen cats go it in of their own volition.  

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thursday: band concert

 Isaac had his band concert tonight.  I couldn't see well but it went fine.

Tuesday Joshua and I did a take away.  He was pretty excited to get the final route.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday: evening questions

Every evening, I ask the kids and the lovies the same questions.

How are you?

Well, only Isaac, Joshua, and Giraffe get this question.  It usually doesn't have interesting answers.

How was your day?

Same above.

What was a bad part?

Joshua: often school, or that he has to go to school.  

Isaac: changes every time, but being busy and / or homework shows up the most.

Amanda: changes every time, but have a dirty kitchen comes up often.

Grey Bear: that he didn't get to go outside or that he was bored or that he didn't get to nap with Amanda

Catcachino: that he didn't get a special drink

Creeper: Usually something that everyone else would a good part.  There are a lot of sad sighs after his bad part.

Snaxolotl: Usually not being able to do something with water, but it often changes.

Giraffe: Being alone all day.

What was a good part?

Joshua: that there's no school tomorrow

Isaac: rock climbing

Amanda: various

Grey Bear: either going to sleep with Joshua or seeing his friend Zebra

Catcachino: some sort of drink

Creeper: something that everyone else would consider a bad part and as close to an explosion as possible.  For example, throwing up, things crashing, things breaking, fire, etc.

Snaxolotl: Gives his snacks.  He gets two snacks a day.  They are often snacks in the house, but they don't have to be.  Sometimes he tries to sneak in three snacks and the Joshua only lets him have one the next day.

Giraffe: doing anything that isn't sitting on a bed or table.

While everyone has themes, sometimes a random thing surprises everyone.  For example, today's bad part for Snaxolotl was that he can't write capitals E's well.  He wanted to write "Everyone gets a snack" but it keeps coming out "Fveryone gets a snack."

Monday, February 3, 2025

Monday: short tasks

Today's goal was to get rid of as many of the items on my to-do list as possible, which meant doing the short ones.   I got rid of a delta of 21 items!  I think I only put one or two items on the list throughout the day, so I'm counting it a huge win.  I haven't been this low since last June.

Yesterday I also found an army man in the Lego Space Shuttle.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday: Isaac's home

Well, Joshua fully enjoyed this weekend with just his parents.  His bad part was that Isaac came home.

Isaac had a great weekend!  I heard a lot about the fun parts and not much about the Jesus parts, but that's ok.  Sledding Friday night and Saturday was apparently was a little bit icy and there was a big hill.  It also sounded like there was a lot of games.  He also made healthy food choices. the least he didn't drink tons of pop.

Joshua and I finished listening to Bert and Ernie's Sing-Along while working on our puzzle.  There are bunch of mini-pictures in the puzzle and we finished all the borders of the mini-pictures.  And I had Big Bird's " is a really good feeling to have!" in my head all day.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday: but wait! There's more!

Joshua and I were working on our puzzle and I said, for some reason, "but wait!  there's more!"  I say this often.  So then we started talking about the song that it's from and Joshua didn't know who the Count is.  So we found a video, but it was the wrong song.  

Then I found the song on the internet, and as we listened to it I realized that there was a story associated with it.  And I realized I knew all the words.  We started listening to the sing-along from the beginning.

And so, if you'd like to listen to it too, here's a link for the ...record?  tape?'s the link: