100 months:
106 months:
100 months:
Oops. Yesterday, life was under control. Today, I feel like I have a few too many things I'm trying to juggle. If I take a step back and really look, it's not that bad. Some of the things that need to be done can wait. They might not be able to wait long, but they can wait. I feel like I do this to myself on a regular basis and it's pretty annoying.
I had a busy day. I was up early to snow blow. I taught most of the morning. I took a 15 minute rest and read for a little bit in my office in the early afternoon, but then at 3pm I was back at it. Of course, a lot of the evening felt like I was driving around. Pick up Joshua (but wait for a train), bring Joshua home. Pick up Isaac (but wait for him to finish a bit of work), bring Isaac home. Have 25 minutes to do some stuff. Bring Isaac to rock climbing. Go to karate. Home for a ten minute dinner. Pick up Isaac. Drop off Isaac and change into better clothes. Go to church for a meeting. And finally, at 8:30, actually get home. Wow, I get tired just looking at what I did today.
Maybe I should go to bed.
Today was winter break...and it was lovely. I spent a few hours doing "fun" chores, did some quilting, and took a nap without an alarm.
I started by replacing our bidet/toilet seat. The water hose was on pretty tightly and took a bit too get off, but I got it.
I worked on the storage room. It is a lovely place to work because it is so easy to feel like I've gotten something done. I went through about six boxes of text books and notes. (So far we have about a half box to keep, although Ben still needs to look through his old stuff.) I moved some boxes into their old location which was a minor thing but really added some walkway space. I pulled out the extra carpet padding that came with the house. I started working on a pile that was moved there from the other storage room.
The garbage can is full and I barely put anything in it today. It is at least trash day so I will have an empty bin tomorrow, but it'll be full by the end of the day. The kids are home Friday, my normal day to work on the storage room, but how much I do then may depend on how full the trash can is.
A few gems that I really just need to memorialize with pictures instead of keeping around...I got this picture from Ben at lunch time. He thought it looked like it was about to eat him.
A MIMIC! Well, a second generation mimic. They're my favorite monster. A few years ago I read a book series where the main character had a funny fear of mimics, but then they kept showing up in my life. They showed up in D&D, in a few movies, in a Lego set, in some Lego creations from the children.
I think I need to make notes throughout the day of the interesting things that happen. For example, let's rewind to Friday. My morning devotions always end with the same prayer, and that prayer includes the phrase: "Jesus, help me give myself to others, being kind to everyone I meet." However, since I was donating blood that day I laughed about the fact that I would be literally giving myself to others.
And I had completely forgotten about it.
Today we were watching Great British Bake Off and Noel made a comment that a contestant looked like a person from the game "Guess Who." Ben and I cracked up because he was right on target with that statement. Then we had explain why we were laughing.
Anyway, hopefully the notes will help make write more interesting blog posts.
Well, I still take monthly quilt pictures and have only missed a few months, but rarely post them. Last time was in April 2022! I always tell myself not to wait too long, but time just flies by. I'm stuck in a waiting room right now though, so that I'd get a post started at least. I might not get far, but it's a start.
(I obviously didn't finish in the waiting room. But at least we got a bit farther.)
93 months: