Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday: nap

Well, I was hoping to get a lot done and instead I just got some done.  It wasn't a super productive day, but good enough.  I did take a 2.5 hour nap and Horizon joined me for most of it.

Isaac: 124 - 144 months

 124 months:

125 months:

126 months:

127 months:

128 months:

129 months:

130 months:

131 months:

132 months:  11 years!  (ten fingers + one toe)

133 months:

134 months:

135 months:

136 months:

137 months:

138 months:

139 months:

140 months:

141 months:

142 months:

143 months:

144 months - 12 years!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday: cough

I think I'm coming down with a slight cold - I've had a small cough all day.  It's pretty annoying because it's just a tiny cough, but it doesn't do anything and the tickle comes back right away.

Otherwise, the day was fine.  Teaching was fine.  I got work done after that and am more on top of things again...I had ignored all non-urgent emails while on vacation.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get through several chores quickly.  A lot of little stuff piled up with vacation too.  But since it'll be Friday, I'm also going to clean the storage room because that is a chore I look forward to all week.

Since the end of the week has been pretty boring, I'll leave you with a limerick that tickled my fancy:

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wednesday: around town

Today I had a bunch of errands.

It started with Joann's, so that I could use up my gift cards before Friday, when they won't accept them anymore.  I'm a bit sad that they're going out of business.  Hobby Lobby might have somethings that I need and it's still close, but after looking at their website, I'm not very optimistic.  Field's has the type of thread I need, but is more out of the way.  I'm not sure how expensive minky is there though.

Meijer for groceries was next.  It was a big grocery trip, but there were a ton of things on sale.

Then to the library, where they fixed my library card.  I couldn't log in and couldn't change my password either.  They fixed it with no problems.

Last stop was DeBoers for some bread and donuts.  I had a gift card for the bread that needed to be used by Friday.

I also did three of my five loads of laundry.  I worked on unpacking.  The kitchen was cleaned and dinner was made.

All in all, it was a boring day.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday: busy

Well, it was a crash course back to reality today.  We had all our normal busy Tuesday stuff and I threw an extra meeting in the evening and mid-term grades due tomorrow.

But let's see.  I got a playground report from both kids when they were telling me about their day.  Isaac is on the playground first and he said it was wet but surprisingly not muddy.  Joshua was last on the playground and said the wet parts were really wet and the dirt parts were really muddy.

Well, there's a lot to do tomorrow.  Guess I should go to bed.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Saturday: boat ride and food

This morning we took another boat ride - Larry needed to drop the boat off for some work and then we had lunch near there.  I'll be honest - I was completely lost.  I thought we were going to go one way and we didn't.  We didn't go the way we often go on boat rides.  There were a lot of bridges.

I sat with the boys in the back.  The day was lovely...slightly warm in the morning but a blanket kept us warm.  When the boat went medium fast there was quite a bit of spray so the blanket kept us protected from that on occasion too.

The afternoon involved more pool time.  Larry pushed Isaac in in the morning, so in the afternoon the boys took turns pushing each other in.  There were also a lot of duck shenanigans.

For dinner we went to a seafood place and Isaac split an order of king crab with Larry.  It's been a long time since he's had crab legs, but he does enjoy them.

Oh, Vespa rides were once again high on Joshua's list of good things for the day.  Isaac also enjoyed the Vespa, but the pool was mentioned first.

Friday: pool day

Today was just a relaxing day at home.  The kids got in the pool around 9:30am and stayed until noon, and then got in again later in the afternoon.  

In the afternoon we went to get gelato and the boys got Vespa rides.  Vespa rides was Joshua's good part of the day.  (It doesn't mean that it was the best or that the others were bad parts, it is just the good part that he decided to mention at the end of the day.)  Oh, I guess Joshua didn't get gelato.  He got a special cake.

Joshua got thrown into the pool by Larry about an hour before dinner.  Normally this wouldn't have been a big deal, but he was out of pants.  Also, this normally wouldn't have been a big deal but we were going out for dinner.  After giving him several options, he finally settled on wearing pajama pants to a nice restaurant.  While not ideal, the pants were a nice black and white plaid and I doubt anyone looked twice at him.