Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday: 39 weeks

It's that time of week again! Doctor appointment time!

I'm dilated to a 2-3, 90% effaced, and the baby's head is still low and facing the correct direction. The OB also stripped the membranes, which is supposed to help if you're close to going into labor but not really do anything if you're not.

Stay tuned.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday: no work

Yay, we didn't have to work today. We took it pretty easy, putting some stuff away and going to see the mission impossible movie.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday: high school

Some friends from high school got together for breakfast this morning.  It was really nice to talk with them again.  I haven't seen some of them for...probably seven to ten years.  So we all got caught up.  I was taking the recycle out to the garage just as they were starting to arrive and reflected on how weird it is that we're adults now.  It might not seem that way to us, but we really are.  We are in charge of bringing the recycle out to the garage.  (And lots of other things too :) ) 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday: done

Hurray!  We're done with work for a long weekend.  And I got to leave early, which was awesome.

Tonight Ben and I went to play Hand and Foot with his grandparents.  We did really, really well the first hand but decided they must have just been being nice to us.  By the last hand, we were way behind.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday: conversation

Amanda: I feel like I've been having little contractions all night.
Ben: do they hurt?
Amanda: no.(sigh)
Ben: (laughs) this is the only time that we want pain.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday: 38 weeks

Today was a doctor's appointment! They're fun.

I'm dilated to 2, 70% effaced, and the head is "very low". Progress!

Due to various things though, it would be nice if he would wait to start contractions until noon on Saturday. Or do it tonight. But I'd like to be out of the hospital Friday and Saturday. It probably means that's when he'll come.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday: dropped

Apparently the baby dropped a lot over the weekend.  "Everyone" at work mentioned it when they saw me today.

It also meant that I had to go to the bathroom any time I walked for more than 50 feet.