Sunday, December 29, 2024

Saturday: they're here!

 We finished cleaning the house in the morning.  Unsurprisingly, it went faster than I expected.  Joshua was a huge help.  Then the house looked amazing!  It seems like I should do it more often, but takes family buy-in too.

Then Nathan and family were here!  We had lunch and then the kids...disappeared.  Ben stuck his head into Joshua's room and Joshua said that he and Evelyn were just talking.  

Nothing overly special happened...we talked, we ate, and got caught up.

Ben mirrored his phone on the computer and created some cool infinity pictures.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Friday: games and prep

Today there was a lot of prep and normal work.  That dishwasher doesn't empty itself.  Everyone is helping though, and we should easily be able to finish

I brought Isaac to the library for the 3D printer.  Then it had some issues.  The good part was that there was someone there to do all the troubleshooting.  But it also meant that it took significantly longer than I had been hoping.  It also meant that the area closed before Isaac's part was finished, so we have to pick it up tomorrow.

Cheryl came over in the afternoon and we played one of our new Christmas games.  Then after dinner we played Space Base.  Both were a lot of fun.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thursday: Christmas3

Yesterday we couldn't find the present that Isaac had found and then wrapped for Larry and Isaac was rather sad about it.  We checked all the trash and all around the tree.

Well, it turns out it was left at home.  Larry kindly came over first thing in the morning on his way to his first appointment to unwrap a duck.  

I'm a little behind on everything else, but made initial progress today.  The groceries are ordered, most of the presents for this weekend are wrapped, and a tentative menu was figured out.  I also sent several emails and started to deal with this week's laundry.  Tomorrow will include some food prep and some cleaning, which will hopefully set us up well for Saturday morning when I expect we'll be doing most of the cleaning.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wednesday2: Christmas

This morning I found the Christmas Ruiners moved baby Jesus and were all looking away.  Isaac thought it was because the Ruiners were trying to ruin Christmas by ignoring Jesus, but I say they were just trying to keep watch over baby Jesus.  And since they don't talk, we'll assume I'm correct.

We had a nice morning: a game, some chores, some preparation of food.  Then off to Larry and Cheryl's!

Bruch was first and as always, it was delicious.  It's one of my favorite meals of the year.  Then presents.  I got a wi-fi bird feeder and I'm really excited about it.  Ben found a good deal on little nerf guns, and so gave one to everyone.  Chaos ensued!  But it was a fun chaos.  Even Great-Grandma joined in and she was so cute when she was shooting her son.

There was also some discussion about Larry's socks and whether they had rubber ducks or pelicans on them.  Fast forward to while we were opening presents.  I have forgotten exactly what the conversation was about, but Isaac yells out, "No, they're pelicans!"  The timing and delivery were spot on and everyone laughed.  

Afterwards Isaac and I played Space Base with Scarlet and Jacob.  They both got a copy of the game...Scarlet because we had her name and Jacob because we were asked for game ideas.  It's a great game though, and it's always nice to go through the game once with people that know what they're doing.

It is also almost Larry's 70th birthday, so we celebrated that too!

We played a few minute-to-win-it games, ate as we felt like it, and just had a lovely time together.

Wednesday: Christmas

And once again, the animals found the person they've been looking for all month.  The cat offered some fish bones to Jesus, but it was because the cat treasured them and wanted to give his best to Jesus.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Tuesday: Christmas Eve

It was the most loveliest of days.

We saw Dad and Pat for breakfast.

We opened presents.

Ben and Joshua have been taking turns hiding this LEGO cat.  Ben had Isaac wrap it as a present yesterday, but then Joshua was very worried about it this morning when he couldn't find it.  The reason he was so worried is because he made some accessories for it as a present.  There is a cute little bow tie and a fish skeleton on a fancy platter that lifts up.

I (and the rest of the family) got a D&D puzzle from Ben.  It is a has a six mini puzzles with a problem to solve.  From Isaac I got a special mug that has a weird handle which makes it easy to grab and keeps your fingers warm.  We also got a bunch of electronic components for Gravitrax, and it was played with pretty constantly the rest of the day.

Joshua and I went to a Christmas Eve service with one of his friends while Ben and Isaac watched from home.

We played one of the games after church.  It has a Minecraft theme, and was pretty fun.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Monday: pre-Christmas

It was an odd day.  Joshua had a friend over for most of the day.  Isaac and I went to the library for the 3D printer.  I finished up some present stuff.  Isaac and I went to a Hilldore Christmas get-together.  

Ben and Joshua have colds, so they stayed home.  They finished wrapping some presents and made sunglasses.

Sunday: Lego Village

 The plan this year was to keep all the Christmas Lego sets put together and do a better job aranging them all.  The arrangement shown on the bottom isn't the final arrangement because Joshua wanted all the north pole stuff together, but it's close.  Ben did an awesome job dealing with the boxes and putting together some cute details.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Saturday: nice

Today was a lovely day.  We got some work done but also had a lot of fun.  The work just seemed to happen too.

Christmas Ruiners are still ruining Christmas.

Yesterday the black sheep broke it's two front legs.  A box was moved and the mover didn't realize there was a sheep.  Luckily, an ambulance brought the sheep and legs to Hilldore Hospital.

The sheep got all fixed up and proceeded to give the paramedics a ride!

Friday: presents!

I wrapped almost all of the presents for Dec 24 and 25.  I consolidated the presents for next weekend.  And ended up with a big box pile!

One of the sheep had an accidental fall this morning.  Joshua made a cute ambulance to bring it to Hilldore Hospital.  The sheep has been healed and will be back to shenanigans tonight.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday: climbing

Today went well.  The kitchen is mostly clean.  Many presents got wrapped. 

While I was picking up Isaac from rock climbing, I was talking with one of the other moms.  She mentioned that she needed to dethaw the meat.  Dethaw!  That's a word Mom used to use.  I used it for a while until Ben mentioned that it actually means to freeze meat, although it is a combination of defrost and thaw.

The 'professional' pictures from the last rock climbing competition came out and Isaac was caught for once.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Wednesday: swirls

Ahh, my thoughts were pretty swirly today.  There are a lot of things with Christmas that need to be remembered.

This morning I frosted the brownies, made peanut butter cookies, dealt with shredded chicken, and made mashed potatoes.  I'm not keeping up with the dishwasher, so that made things a bit difficult.  There is only a short food thing to deal with tomorrow though, so maybe it'll happen.

I worked on getting Christmas presents ready.

Oh!  Laundry!  I did that too.

So yeah - it wasn't all that exciting of a day, but it was fine.  

This lego pencil fooled me.  I thought the eraser looked weird at a glance, but I only glanced at it.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Tuesday: Christmas prep

Well, now that grades are in I can start working more on Christmas prep.  Although really, the day was pretty boring.

I got groceries, went to the library, and dropped off the compost.  I made brownies, chex mix, and started getting some Christmas presents prepped.

I took a nap.  It was a lovely nap.

I made dinner.  I feel like I did a few other things but I'm not sure what.  A few emails, cleaning up a few things, stuff like that.

We went to rock climbing.  Joshua came up with a new game.  I don't always love new games, but this one turned out pretty good!  There is one off-limits hold on a route, choosen by person 1.  Person 2 gets three guesses as to which hold it is.  If they guess it, great!  It gets skipped as you do the route.  If Person 2 doesn't guess it correctly, they have do the route with as few holds as possible so that they don't accidently use the off-limits hold.

By the time we get back from rock climbing, Isaac takes a shower, and we eat, it is pretty much time for the kids to go to bed.  Yesterday I finished a quilt top, which usually means I at least pretend to clean up my desk and deal with odd things.  Isaac really needed some clothes alterations done, so I did two of his three items.

And then it turns out it is time for me to go to bed.  Yesterday my to-do list was at rather high, and I think I added as many things as I took away today.  But maybe tomorrow I'll be extra productive!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Monday: grades

 I put grades in today!  I finished up what I needed to finish and put grades in by 11am.  A bit longer than I was hoping, but still done.

I had lunch with a friend.  I took a nap.  I made dinner.  I got rid of some of the short tasks on my list.

Also, I realized today that I forgot ear day!  Ear day is Dec 13 and it's when ears are the best for eating.  It's a cyclical thing, and July 13 is the day when they taste the worst.  Anyway, I forgot the day until I was teasing Joshua during nightly questions.  So I ate his ears.  Then Isaac showed up and I called him in a for a hug.  He was rather suspicious, but came for a hug anyway.  And I ate his ear.  But!  Everyone was laughing!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday: got better

This morning was a bit rough.  The kids and I had different expectations about breakfast and time management, and so Isaac was sad I rushed him out the door and Joshua was starving because he didn't eat second breakfast.

But then it started to get better.  Isaac finished all the pages of a math test that he needed to finish faster than normal.  Joshua went to a fun birthday party while the rest of us played Apiary.  (Isaac and I tied, but I won on the tie-breaker.  So, per tradition, I had to put the game away at the end.)

I send Isaac some desmos equations that returned swirling hearts.  He gave me a single heart back:

And then one of his chores was to send me a text (so that we can keep his free wi-fi number) and he sent me this, which is so true and cracked both of us up.

And lastly I sent a quick thank you to the mom of the birthday party and got this lovely text back:
"Joshua is an exceptionally kind person. He really cares about how other people feel. "

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Saturday: normal

We had our first "normal" Saturday in a while.  I don't know if that makes it a normal Saturday or not, but it was nice.  Legos were built, work was done, games were played.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday: getting done!

I gave the last final exam today!  I finished grading the physics labs and was also happy to find that I'm over 2/3 of the way through the final exams.  I've been pecking away at them at night; it isn't as efficient, but somewhat more enjoyable.

I went to get groceries and was in and out of Aldi in about 15 minutes.  This is much shorter than I was expecting.  I was pretty pumped about it, but at the same time it just meant that I had to go wait in a parking lot because I was too early to pick up the kids.

I don't have jury duty next week.  This would have been the best week to have it; I'm really hoping not to get it the week of Christmas.  It seems like a mean thing to do.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Thursday: snow day

 It was a snow day!  Isaac likes snow days, but wishes they would be on a day other than Thursday.  He still has to do his math class.  (However, we learned a lot from last Thursday and came into the day with different initial conditions, so I think the day was still pretty good.)

Joshua played outside for over an hour.  I think he sled...sledded?...went sledding down the hill most of the time.  The neighbors joined him for a little bit.

I got some stuff done.  Not as much as without kids, but still stuff.  Including a few things that I wouldn't have otherwise done, but that I needed to do with Joshua.  I did figure out how to postpone all of my errands because I just didn't want to go outside.  I don't have groceries...yet...but can hopefully do a speed run tomorrow after picking up the work Christmas gift.

I went to karate, as normal, this evening.  My shoulder has been hurting lately.  (I have a PT appointment scheduled, but she books pretty far out.  A dose of ibuprofen usually takes care of it.)  Anyway, I was attempting to do push-ups and my shoulder just said, "no".  My shoulder has never said that to me before.  My legs have, on occasion, but not my shoulder.  I double checked with it two more times, and then decided that "no" really was the best option tonight.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wednesday: stuff

First off, there's a snow day tomorrow!  I don't have to work, so it's a good day for it.

I got stuff done.  I took a nap.  We got a ton of boxes.  

Horizon slept on the bed most of the day.  It was a problem because I needed to change the sheets, but you can't move a sleeping cat.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Tuesday: a day

It was a pretty normal day.

I got through a bunch of chores in the morning.  It included putting my decorative pot back up.  Of course, then we were looking at the forecast and it is supposed to be windy soon.  So Joshua decided to move the pot to the front where it might not call over.

Yesterday we put boxes under the Christmas tree to stop the cats (well, mainly Horizon) from eating the tree.  Horizon has a love / throw-up relationship with all plants but apparently can't stop himself.  So I decorated the boxes today.  Joshua didn't love how I did one of them and so rewrapped it, but that's fine.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Monday: the beginning of the end

Finals week started today.  I had one today and have one on Friday...I'm just glad they're not both on Friday because that is the worst.

My to do list for Hope is getting smaller.  I know everything that I still need to get done.  Today I drastically reduced the number of emails in my inbox.  The last normal assignment in CSCI is almost finished being graded.  I finished the final exam grading rubric.  I have 3/4 of a physics lab to finish.  The final exam finishes up the list and then I'll be all set!

Overall, it was a boring day.  That's really the best outcome for exam week.

Sunday: piano and party

 Joshua had his piano recital today!  We brought Great grandma and that was nice.

Afterwards we went to a Christmas party.  Isaac and Joshua joined in the grab this year and it was fun.  Joshua opened a blanket.  We don't need more blankets.  Ben kindly stole the blanket from Joshua so he could get something more fun.  And what does Joshua do?  Steals another blanket because it was super soft.  Ben and I rolled our eyes at each other.

In the end I got some mind teasers, Isaac picked up a game (that we brought), and Joshua had a blanket.  Ben had the blanket at the end, but the candy that we brought ended up with some people that didn't want candy.  So we switched and were both very happy.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Saturday: rock comp 3

We all went to South Bend today for Isaac's final competition.  It was so nice to have a comp 'close' to home!  We were able to get stuff done this morning and still be home in time for dinner.

This was yet a different format: complete isolation.  He went in through a different door and wasn't allowed to even look at the wall until his four minutes started.  It wasn't my favorite format.  I haven't asked Isaac what he thought about it yet.  Also, scoring seemed a little off during this competition.  There were several routes that we all thought Isaac should have gotten the next milestone but he didn't get credit.  He coach was very supportive afterwards; giving information as to why things might have been scored like they were.

He was in the zone.  He completely ignored us while waiting for his turn.

Route 1: Isaac did well and got low zone.  I thought he got zone but he didn't actually use the hold so it didn't count.

Route 2: I don't have any pictures.  This was a rough one for a lot of climbers.  His coach thought he should have had low-zone, but the judges didn't.  It was a jump to a big, hard to grab onto hold.  Isaac was trying a different way that worked as well as jumping, but he used the hold.

Route 3: this was a run and jump, and Isaac is still working on dynamic moves.

Route 4: oh, this was probably his best one.  He learned some things, and really got pretty far.  If he had two more minutes he would have probably gotten zone, but he works through things slowly.  However, he did make progress with every attempt and it was a fun one to finish on.  He got low zone and thought he had zone, but the judges didn't give it to him.

Luckily, while the competitions are done, team isn't!  Isaac enjoys the practices more than the competitions.  Some athletes will get to go to regionals in January and then a top rope season starts.  Isaac doesn't love top rope, so we probably won't go to any competitions.  (Also, there are only a total of three.  The closest in Indy and Detroit, but those are still a drive.)

Friday, December 6, 2024

Friday: the week

 The week: classes finished.  There's a ton of grading to do.  There was a snow day.  Ben stayed home with the kids.  Isaac has a lot of work.  We have a busy weekend coming up.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tuesday: pots

 I made some porch pots with Jamie and Cheryl this evening.  It was pretty fun.  I thought it'd be interesting, but it was more fun than I expected.  I decided to put it on the deck because then I get to see it more.  As I was bringing through the house Horizon was very excited to eat it.  Very excited.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Monday: snow

 It was a lovely snowy day today.  We didn't get as much snow as they were forecasting.  So I guess that not having a snow day was the right call.

The Christmas Ruiners showed up today.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Friday: a day in

Today was a lovely stay-at-home day.

First of all, it snowed on and off throughout the day.  (I thought it was going to melt, but now it might not happen right away.)  While we did have a dusting last week, this is the first real snow.

We finished up Joshua's D&D campaign.  It had a few quirks, but overall was really cool.  Isaac, the mage, got a spell called "fire surg".  Instead of reading it as intended, Isaac kept saying "fire surg".  After correcting him several times Joshua finally said that Isaac would lose health if he said it wrong again.  Well, I had a question and used fire surg (it was somewhat appropriate for the question, but also I wasn't thinking), and so I suddenly lost a health point!  It was fair.

We also were attacking some purple gems.  I hit it with one of my golden drumsticks: 1 pt of damage for me.  I hit it again: 2pts of damage for me.  Oh well, I was done at that point.  Then Ben said, "so how does this increase?  Plus one damage each time?  Double?  ...Exponential?"  At which point I had the loudest hiccup and everyone laughed at my surprise.  (It was double by the way.)

I also have a cold.  Probably the one that Joshua had earlier this week.  It's not much fun.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wednesday: a nice day

 The kids didn't have school today, so we had a pretty easy day.  We got the Christmas decorating started.  Joshua was excited to put stuff up; he just kind of put of this or that but slowly made progress.  He also put up the Christmas tree!

Isaac did the upstairs lights.  They're awesome.  I didn't get any pictures (yet), but lights are everywhere.

We finally gave Ben his birthday presents, although we haven't actually sung Happy Birthday yet.  Maybe tomorrow. 

We went rock climbing, hoping to see some of Isaac's friends.  However, it was busier than normal.  Joshua didn't love it, but it meant that Isaac was willing to belay me.

We went to Red Rock with family to celebrate birthdays for dinner; it was lovely.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Sunday: yup

It's been a normal month.  Things just aren't all that exciting.

I had an oil change and tire change this morning.  I was half way home and got a call that Joshua wasn't feeling very good.  He was a bit out of it this morning - cold symptoms, not fever or anything like that.  Anyway, I was glad that I was still in the car so I detoured to go grab him.  He wasn't great at home, but after a bit of extra rest he was at least ok.  We'll try again tomorrow!  (Honestly, the kids try really hard to not be as sick on days that I work, so I come pick them up when I'm not working without question.)

I graded for most of the morning.  I wanted to get up and do other chores, but Tornado had made himself comfortable in my lap so I was trapped.  I did finish grading the lab though, so I only have one left!

I putzed around with chores after nap time - I cleaned the kitchen, thought the office light was fixed (but it isn't), paid some bills, etc.  I worked on a Lego set while Joshua worked on a different project in the basement.  We didn't really talk much; I think he just wanted some company.

I'm not thrilled with my chore list at the moment.  It's all boring stuff or big stuff.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Saturday: relaxing

We relaxed most of the morning.  It was a lovely morning.  There were some work done.

Hmm.  Well.  It was nice having Ben back around and we traded stories throughout the day.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Friday: cats

 I let the cats sleep with me last night.

Horizon wandered in as I was falling asleep and politely settled himself by my feet.

Tornado wandered in some time later and tickled my face.  Eventually he settled down, I think by my feet.  Or he left. 

Tornado decided to attack Horizon.  Horizon ignored it for a surprisingly long time, or at least what seemed like a long time when I was half asleep, but finally had to retaliate and they both ran out of the room.

Horizon eventually came back in and settled at my feet.  

Tornado may have joined in a bit later, but I'm not sure.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thursday: normal

 As Thursdays go, I got a lot done.  I only have two more labs to grade!  As driving goes, I did a lot today.

The kids were more talkative than normal, and mostly about things I found interesting.  That was nice.

Isaac's busy week is done as he turned in his math test and homework today.  He doesn't have his math class next Thursday because of Thanksgiving, so a little bit of extra time to get caught up will be really nice.  He isn't too far behind, but there are some loose ends to be finished.

I have a lot of plans for tomorrow.  This is a bit of a problem since I haven't been all that motivated recently.  I guess we'll see how it goes.

Ben gets home tomorrow!  Late tomorrow, but still tomorrow!

Wednesday: a comment

 A child: Wednesdays are the best days because of laundry and groceries!  Nothing else is good about Wednesdays.  

Hmm, Joshua has something on Wednesdays that he likes, so it must have been from Isaac.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Tuesday: Tornado

Ben is gone, so Tornado is willing to accept my lap as a substitute.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Monday: calmer

Today was more calm.  Not completely calm, but everyone seemed to manage their emotions a bit better.

I graded, had hot chocolate with Pat, took a nap, did some chores.

Oh, I decided to sleep with the door closed last night.  The main reason was that I didn't want the light to wake me up in the morning when Joshua woke up.  It was a good choice too, because I woke up at 3am and didn't get back to sleep well until 4:45am.  (I might have dozed, but only a bit.)

Well, that's about it for my exciting day.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Sunday: well then

Ben left on a long work trip at noon today.  The morning was pretty nice - we did some work, played a game, and lazed around a bit.

He left, and the Sunday continued on as normal.

After dinner though, was a different story.  Oh, the tears.

Of course, Ben is gone.  This always seems to happen when Ben is gone.  Although there are a few other factors, such as a rock climbing competition coupled with a big math test that also seem to happen on these emotional weekends.  So while I could say that Ben is the calming influence in the family, and he no doubt is, I'm not convinced his being gone is the sole reason we're all a bit off.

As people slowly go to bed though, we all seem to be doing ok.  Joshua always bounces back quickly.  Isaac took a homework break earlier than I was hoping, but it ended up being the right choice for him.  He brought me a math challenge and I was able to solve it, so that was a relief.  We also talked about inverse sines and inverse cosines.  I probably didn't do as much grading as I should have, but I'm working away at it.  We're getting close to the end of the semester and I continue to write the same feedback that no one reads every time, so I don't feel as though I need to be quite as on top of grading.

Now, the big question: do I let the cats sleep with me tonight?  Sometimes they sleep with me well, and sometimes they don't.  When Ben is home they aren't allowed in the bedroom at night because they love him too much.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Saturday: comp 2

Isaac and I went to the Detroit area for his second competition today.  He was in the afternoon session and that was really nice.  It was also a different format from last time, which had pros and cons.  It was a modified redpoint, which basically meant that Isaac had four minutes for each of four routes and four minutes of rest in between.  He had a designated start time and was the only person on the route for those four minutes, so he could try it as many times as he wanted.  He also was able to get coaching help throughout the four minutes from the coaches.

*It felt more organized
*Getting to do one route over and over again without waiting for others was nice

*Coaches were busy.  Sometimes a coach wasn't quite there at the start of Isaac's run.
*There wasn't as much time to rest, whether it was within the four minutes of the route or between routes.

We got there earlier this time and I felt calmer because of it.  Isaac had plenty of time to look at the routes, warm up, and watch a few others work on the routes.  (We also had videos of the routes, because if you were near the beginning you otherwise wouldn't be able to see anyone do it.)

Route 1.  This was his best score, as he got top zone.  Isaac is good at slab work, and I heard someone behind me even comment on his precision.  (Later the coaches were talking and one said he was slow but steady and the other said, yup, that's Isaac.)  It was a great start.

Route 2.  This looked the hardest to me.  He tried the beginning a lot and quickly, which he mentioned later was not what the coaches suggest doing.  He managed to get low zone during his second to last try, and we were happy with that result.

Route 3.  I think if he had two more minutes, one of which was a rest minute, he might have been able to at least get top zone in this one.  His first tries tired him out a lot, and it was basically climbing upside down so it sapped the strength quickly.  Again, he was pretty happy with this result even though it had the potential of being better.

Route 4.  This one ended up being the roughest.  There was a teeny tiny foot hold, and he just couldn't get past it.  He gave it a bunch of good tries.

Here's the thing though, he came off every route with a smile, even the last one.  He did his best.  Did he place well?  Not really.  (He hasn't asked about his place.)  Does it matter?  Not at all.  He enjoys the climbing, and did a good job for where he is.