At work I keep prints in hanging file folders. I don't really like hanging file folders, mainly because of the tabs. It feels like so much work whenever you need to add a tab or change a tab. But that is really besides the point today. Today I'm curious as to way all hanging file folder tags have that perforated part. You know, the part that folds over but is too small to write on.
I've come up with a few ideas, but I think they're kind of dumb.
1) It is to help keep the tag in place by pushing outward against the plastic part. Most of the time though I think the plastic part is tight enough to keep a single layer held in place without any problems.
2) They are easier to push out of the plastic thing with a pen. But it ends up being so much effort to put a new one in the plastic part that you may as well take off the plastic part to get the paper part out.
3) They really aren't supposed to go in the plastic part, but should be removed completely. This still doesn't really answer my question as to why they are present in the first place.
So, I need your help! What are those little pieces for? Oh, and wikipedia (or google) don't have much about hanging file folders, let along what the extra tabs are for. I thought the internet knew everything!