Monday, July 13, 2009


Monday, Monday.

I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow.

My toes are cold. The low tonight is supposed to be 49ºF.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Nothing very exciting to report today. It was a nice day.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


It was a nice Saturday. I did some chores, trimmed some trees, napped, watched a movie, played some games. A pretty normal Saturday, but they sure are nice.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday: work and toes

I got more work today! I expect it'll keep me busy for a few (W-F) weeks. Yay! Ben and I proceeded to have a fairly long discussion about code and how it shouldn't be stream of consciousness (like it is currently). I plied him with questions and might try fixing it M-T if my manager thinks it is non-work related enough. (It doesn't have to be fixed, but it would help to increase my skills.) (I know that second to last sentence is weird, but it is what I meant).

I also took the wrappings off my toes. They look a lot like they did, except redder and lower. I had to wash my hair in the kitchen sink because I can't get them wet yet. It was rather awkard, but my hair is clean now.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday: rounding and toes


Today I found myself with rounding problems. I got into work at 7:45. At 8:24 I thought to myself, it’s almost been an hour! Then I calculated the amount of time I’ve actually been here, which is 39 minutes…not even close to an hour.

It’s almost snack time! And I get to leave early!


Then later in the day it was 1:03. I was leaving at 3:45.

“Alright! Only two more hours!”

Or not.


I got my two large toenails removed. I was going to take a picture, but waited too long and now the bandages don't look so good. Both are well wrapped though :)


Last week I wanted to play ultimate Frisbee, and everyone was in for that since we hadn't played for a while. Then I realized that I wouldn't really be able to run because of my toes. Then it started downpouring so I couldn't even stand outside. Which ended up being ok because no one else wanted to play in the rain. We ended up going to Friendlies for ice cream. :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday: sadness

Aaron and Heather announced today that they are going to be taking a job at another church. I'm excited for their new opportunity, but will miss them a lot.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Saturday: take 2

Well, yesterday felt like a Saturday and so did today. It was nice having two Saturdays. I finished sealing the kitchen counters. It meant Flurry was stuck in our bedroom for a long time.

My first sunflower also poked it's head out over night!