6:30am: Brr, I'm still cold. I'll just snuggle closer to Ben.
7:23am: Dumb alarm. Fine, I'll get up. Wow, it seems really cold!!
7:24am: Hmm, the thermostat says 58 degrees. That's too cold. Why isn't the heat coming on?
8:30am: Phew, Ben found someone to fix the furnace and it wasn't something small that we should have known how to fix.
11:00am: Yay, we have heat! I'm glad Ben was able to work from home this morning and deal with that.
11:30am: is it lunch time yet? Maybe I'll go get a snack from the break room since Pam brought all those treats in. Oh, I should count how many of shoeboxes of cookies and candy she made for us. ...nineteen. Wow. Well, this peanut butter rice krispie thing just melts in your mouth!
12:00pm: is it lunch time yet? I'm smelling good food from the break room.
12:05pm: Surprise! It's Glenda's retirement potluck. Oh, she found out last night. Bummer.
12:10pm: crock-pot liners! I just learned about those yesterday from Denise and here they are in action! cool!
12:20pm: that was absolutely delicious.
12:22pm: how much longer until I can go home? All the fun stuff is done for the day.
2:45pm: how come excel doesn't have some of the automatic functions that I want? I guess I'll have to write it myself. :(
2:55pm: I guess that wasn't so bad. I shouldn't be complaining.
6:30pm: Castle Season 1! I'm tired.
8:00pm: Aaaww. Flurry's sleeping on my lap. Too bad my legs are falling asleep and I need to type things. Wake up!
9:00pm: I hate it when I make something that we use to eat and then as the liquid cools fat globules congeal. Gross.
9:30pm: I like Boggle. I should play it more.
10:30pm: Time for bed!