Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday: a present

I was in the car this afternoon changing my shoes from my comfortable flats to my dressy heels and what did I find in one of the shoes? The green-tailed mouse toy. Flurry was obviously just wishing me luck. :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday: busy

Hmm. I'm trying to think of something interesting to write about. Today was rather fair, talking with Jess, racquetball, and picking up Jamie's kids. But nothing special really stuck out. So I guess this will just be a short post.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday: grumpy

This afternoon I was grumpy. Luckily, only Flurry was around.

Unluckily, Flurry's response was to bite my legs, which made me grumpier.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday: bee

Today I was doing just a little bit of yard work since it was sunny and I went into the shed to get a rake. I heard a BZZZ behind me, and so turned around and looked up. There were two bee hives and a gigantic bee. It was about three times the size of a normal bee. Normally I'd ask Ben to spray the bee stuff at this point, but I'm not really sure how to safely spray these nests. The are right above the door, so it is either straight up (and still might have a problem getting them) or from inside (which seems like a bad idea).

I also walked the Holland mall with Betsy. The mall is pretty dead, especially compared to when I was in high school. But it was a bit cool outside so it was nice to have a comfortable place to walk.

Monday: week 5

Well, I guess the + on the stick was actually correct. The nurse on the phone said I'm due Jan 4, but according to the internet calculations I'm due Jan 1.

Also, the general practioner doesn't do OB stuff, which I understand. But you can't exactly ask people for recommendations without them wondering (or asking) if you're pregnant. It's a problem. So if I were still an unpregnant person, I'd ask for recommendations now while you can still say you're not pregnant. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday: kitty

Travis and Allison came over briefly after church. Scarlet got to see the kitty. She got to pet the kitty too as long as Flurry was looking the other way. Needless to say, Flurry is not fond of small people. (She's been doing much better with big people lately though!) So she would hiss at Scarlet and Scarlet would just laugh like it was the best thing. Phew. I'd rather have her laugh than be scared of Flurry.

Uncle Ben also helped her play the drums for a bit.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday: something I like about Michigan

I like that when you go to the gas pump, you can use the little lever thing in the handle so that you don't actually have to squeeze the handle the whole time you're getting gas. That was definitely something I missed in New York.