Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday: donut day

Today is national donut day. And donuts currently sound disgusting. how sad is that???????????????????????????

friday: work

Today was my first day back at work. It's just for a short contract job, but it's nice to get out of the house. At one point there was a plant meeting and they were talking about how they needed to work really hard this next week to get some batteries that they can make they can put more batteries in more that they can lower that they can SAVE THE EARTH!!!!

The work seems fine. Not too difficult but still interesting. I got to wear a reflective vest and hard hat for a little bit so I felt cool. And I'll get to go into a clean room so that will you have to wear so many covering garments going into a clean room.

Friday: throwing up - TMI

WARNING: this one really is gross. You may want to skip it.

I started taking my new medicine yesterday and it is good. but I need to try and ration it so that it will last the whole month, which ends up being about a half pill per day. The effects last for about eight hours.

so it wore off after work today and I had a headache. I don't know if it from the medicine or general life. But I went to throw up and whatever I had had was really bitter. So my throat closed off and a little bit came out my nose. Gross. and I was trying to get my hair back in a pony tail and things were just not going well.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday: a good day

Today was probably one of the best days I've had in a while. I got a lot of chores done, had an interview for a short term job, and made a good dinner. Oh, and I watched So you think you can dance since Dusty let me know it was on

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday: unanimous


I don't like reading this word. It looks like un-animous, as though people are not of the same mind. Silly...uh, I don't remember the word...word starter thingies.

Tuesday: in reveiew

So this week wasn't much better than last week. Some days I kept most food down, some days I kept no food down. And seriously...throwing up is hard work. I'm always exhausted after the bigger ones.

But in better news, I had I first real OB appt today. And I got an ultrasound!! I wasn't sure I was going to get one. The head is on the right, the legs on the left, and the bright spot is part of the umbilical cord. The length measured around 9w0d and the heartbeat was 180...high but normal. And the legs were kicking all around!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday: Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! Today we drove back. The car doesn't have air conditioning, so it was rather hot. :( But some friends that are going to Papua New Guinea as Wycliffe Bible Translators came over this evening, so it was nice to see them before they take off.