Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday: rain

I woke up to a beautiful rainy day today. It was one of the better parts of the day. Except for going out to eat with Ben. That was nice too.

The rest of the day...left a lot to be desired.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday: Sunday morning

This morning we went to the first of four classes to join the church we've been going to. At one point I thought that I had something profound to say about this, but can't remember anymore. Oh, the interesting statistic is that the church is about 40% kids. That seems like a ton of kids to me, but we've seen evidence that it is very possible (i.e., a huge VBS, kids running around all over the place, etc). And with a kid on the way, it's nice to know that the instruction of children is a top priority.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday: squeak

Amanda: I'm going to bed. Good night.
Ben: Good night.
Amanda: Oh, I forgot to write a blog post. Guess it'll be a few more minutes.
Flurry: squeak! (What?!?)
Flurry: squeak! (It's time for water!)
Flurry: squeak! (You said you were going upstairs)
Ben: Flurry, chill out.
Flurry: mroww. (Fine, but I'd rather you go upstairs)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday: flaky

Our Internet is being super flaky. I'm not sure that this will post. I meant to send out some emails, but it was taking about ten minutes per email and it wasn't worth it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday: embarrassing

So I've always been slightly prone to dizziness, especially when I'm standing still and not engaged in the conversation. Most of the time I can hide it.

but once in a while that just doesn't work, like today. I was with a team doing a big external audit. I realized once we were standing around that I also hadn't eaten breakfast...I had been expecting that some food was at the meeting but it was late. I hid it for a while by just crouching down. but then it was time to go and I wasn't going anywhere. I got the chair that was just vacated and within 30 seconds was mostly fine. Within a few minutes I was feeling well enough to walk again. But it was still embarrassing because it was with people I didn't know very well and they got worried.

At least I had a good excuse for once. I can blame a lot of things on being pregnant and people seem to understand. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday: two people

Two people have now commented on my pregnancy without any prompting or foreknowledge that I am pregnant. three cheers for looking pregnant.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday: recap

So here's a quick recap of what's been happening...

Thursday I had a baby shower. It was a lot of fun and I got to see some family that I haven't seen in a while. (Sorry Pat...we only had one group picture)

Then an old friend of Ben and his wife were over for the weekend. It was fun to hear them reminisce about old times. We also played a ton of games, which was a lot of fun. (But I neglected to take any pictures.)