Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday: hmm

Hmm.  Nothing all that special happened today, although it was kind of busy.

I've decided to leave the toaster out on the counter instead of putting it away because I've been using it so much.  (I'll put it away when I want the kitchen to be extra clean, but will consider the kitchen clean even if it is out.)

I started to put a lamp together.

I felt smart and not smart during lab today.  (Sometimes that program is just crazy.)

I didn't take a nap but instead graded homework.  This was probably a smart move since Isaac didn't sleep very long anyway...that was a little annoying.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday: busy day

Tuesdays are our busy days.  We go to school first thing in the morning.  We go directly to Bible study.  Then in the evening we go to the gym.

After picking Isaac up from the assorted child care, especially from the babysitter at Hope, he is so happy to see me.  He gives the best hugs then.  It almost makes me want to leave him places just so that I can pick him up again.

Isaac fell asleep on my shoulder while I was walking to the car this evening.  I guess he played really hard today. :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday: a quilt

I was taking pictures of a quilt and Isaac came over to get into the action.

The quilt was called "Adding Up Nicely" which is why there is a calculator.

I also went into the whirlpool at the gym today.  It was really nice.  I love hot water.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Interlude: 12 months

I finally got some 12 month pictures (although some of them are more like 12.5).  And they didn't all turn out great, but Isaac hasn't figured out how to sit still and smile yet.

While the large one is my favorite, the lower one with the hands is a close second.

Isaac has completely stopped doing the army crawl and only crawls on his hands and knees now.  He walks well if holding onto someone with both hands, and can walk while only holding on to one hand, but doesn't love to do that.  If we try to make him stand he will sometimes stand for a few second before sitting down.  Isaac also likes to dance.  It is often only with one hand, but it happens many times a the store, to TV show theme songs, etc.

Isaac seems to understand more of what we say, but still hasn't spoken any words for sure.  He is a happy boy and likes to play with his toys.  He goes to other people easily, but is always very excited to see us when we come back to pick him up.  Eating is going a little better, although it might be because he has more food options and so I don't give him the things that he won't eat as often.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friday: a disaster

Our house has been a disaster the last week.  I don't like it, but I'm also not willing to give up my "me" time in the evening to fix it.  It will have to at least be hidden this weekend as we have people coming over.  (But hopefully it will actually be cleaned up, not just hidden.)

Case in are the boxes from the many packages we've received over the past week and a half.  We missed the last recycle day and it only comes every other week, so even the garage recycle was overflowing and didn't have room for more.  So they just got stacked up and made it harder to use the front door.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday: elevator

Today I went in an elevator, turned 90 degrees (while going to the correct floor), and then got out. I don't think I've ever been in an elevator with doors like that.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday: teaching

Today was my first day of teaching!

It actually went a lot better than I was expecting.  My biggest problem was that there weren't enough computers (six of them were down).  I thought I was going to have just enough until two people showed up very late.  Bother.  I ended up putting them in a separate room...not ideal, but I figure it shows that I can be creative.  I would have had people work together but, like I said, they showed up very late.  I'm hoping more computers will be fixed by tomorrow.  Not everyone had the book either.  But enough people had it and were willing to share so that it worked.

I was able to answer all but one of the questions.  Keep in mind that I haven't really done much with any type of AutoCAD software before.  I've taken the class and fumbled my way around in it for a few things.  And I did the assignment ahead of time.  So I felt like I sounded as though I knew what I was doing. :)  And the one question I couldn't answer didn't impede the student's progress - it was just a random question.  And I have the answer now.

After Bible Study we came home and took a nap.  I finally got a picture of Isaac sleeping.  He usually sleeps with his butt in the air.  Often his legs are crossed, although not this time.