Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday: videos

Here are a few videos from the last few days:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday: snow and racquetball

We have a lot of snow here again!!  We probably have about as much as we did before it melted earlier in the week.  Most of it came down last night, so we borrowed Jamie's snow blower for our driveway.  That was really nice.  The snow was light and fluffy, but it went a lot faster with the snow blower.

Then I finally beat Ben in racquetball.  He has a handicap, but even with the handicap I haven't been able to beat him.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday: note to self

Note to self:

When your child is still hungry after eating their dinner, remember this wise adage...

"Beans beans the wonderful fruit.
The more you eat the more you toot" that you don't have to change a dirty diaper every three hours the next day.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday: ball

Tonight Ben and I were going to play racquetball.  But all the courts were full.  We got there a little later than normal, but were still surprised at how busy the place was.  Especially since there is a snow storm...I would have expected people to stay home.

Anyway, we ended up playing a game of wally ball.  It was fun, and I didn't embarrass myself too badly.  (The people were pretty laid back, which usually makes it more fun.)  I just noticed that I have a large bruise on my thumb.  Oh well.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday: 13 months

It's Isaac's 13 month birthday!  So I have a lot of pictures.

With a monkey.  He's taken to wrestling with his's funny to watch.

I brought the walker upstairs and he has been using it a ton!  He's at just the right stage for it...he can't walk by himself, but he can turn it and walk holding onto it in any direction.

I feel like this is what most of the pictures looked like.  Zoom!!

And Ben got me donuts!!!! <3 p="">

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday: haircut

On Sunday I finally gave Isaac his first haircut.  I've been saying that he needs one for about two months, but it has also seemed as though this is a momentous occasion that needs some fanfare.

Well, I just did it.  It went better than I expected.  And today someone noticed!

I took a picture of the hair instead of keeping it like I feel I was supposed to do.  But somehow I doubt that Isaac will care.  And I don't have a physical baby book for him, so I don't have a good place to put it.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday: OT

I am happy to announce that today I finished reading the Old Testament.


I started about 4.5 years ago.  I was at a retreat and the speaker said that she reads through the Bible.  When she's done, she starts again.  Now, I know this isn't optimal for everyone, and even this weekend in church the pastor recommended against that (for most people.  There's a large context that I'm not going to explain.)  But I had been realizing that there were some parts of the Bible that I hadn't read.  But a "read the Bible in a year" wasn't really going to work for me either.  So I started at the beginning.  Sometimes I read quite a bit, sometimes I could barely make it through a chapter. (The minor prophets were hard.)  There were some periods were I didn't read at all.  But since my only goal was to keep going, I hit that goal.

Next...the New Testament!  Hopefully I'll report back before another 4.5 years have passed.