Isaac put himself to bed at 11:45 for his nap. He closed the curtains, turned on his little light, put some duplos in his bed, and went to sleep.
Joshua had of course slept well during the morning and so wasn't very tired. Just as I decided he was ready to go down for a nap the doorbell rang (seriously, it was about 30 seconds after). The dishwasher repairmen were here...they were supposed to be here before 12pm so that it didn't interfer with naps. Of course, just as they were leaving Isaac woke up. I think the door woke him up. I put a movie on for him and tried to take a nap but Joshua kept waking up too. Sigh. This also made Isaac's lunch all messed up. I was eating some brocolli and cauliflower so Isaac ate a bunch of that and grazed for the afternoon.
We also made spice bars. I let Isaac lick the beater for the first time.
I also couldn't remember anything all day. It was a bit of a problem and resulted in Isaac wearing a kilt for a few hours. Sadly, I don't have a picture of it.
And our daily picture.