Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday: 16 weeks

Joshua is 16 weeks old today!

He had extra spit up today. :(  And has decided that raking his fingernails across his scalp is a good idea, so his head is rather battle-marked.  I try to keep mittens on him when he's sleeping, but sometimes they fall off.  And he did it once today while awake.

Isaac wanted to take a picture "of all of us" again today.  He set up the camera and the better of the two pictures looked like this:

I've tried to tell him that zoom doesn't work all that well but he doesn't listen.  And while his picture does technically contain all of us, we did one more.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday: headache update

A quick headache update...

The medicine definitely seems to be helping.  I've gone from several stabbing pains per day to about one, and even that one is usually more of a dull ache than a shooting pain.  The length is still short, about two seconds.

I should probably stop calling it a headache and start calling it a pinched nerve.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday: I's

A few days ago we started our Christmas cards.  Isaac's job was to seal the envelopes, but he got sick of that pretty quickly.

So I let him draw on the backs of envelopes.  Maybe you'll be a lucky winner!  He wrote his first I's (unprompted).  He tried an S on one enevelope but it didn't turn out so well.  After a scribble on the back of another it was time to be done.

Friday: snow!

So here's the picture of all of us from yesterday.  I love Joshua's expression.

Since it snowed we decided not to do our planned errands today.  they could wait and the roads weren't great.  So we played a lot of baby marbles.

By the end of the day Isaac decided that he really wanted to go outside.  So armed with some beach toys he went on the deck.  I was a little afraid he'd come right back in, but he stayed out there for a good 30 minutes.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday: isaac quotes

Ben stayed home today.  He has plenty of vacation time, so once in a while takes off random days.  It's been fun.  I got a wonderful nap.  And it snowed out!  Our deck has a small inch of snow.  And WOW came out.  It is currently very laggy, but during the day it was nice.  I was going to show you a picture from today, but due to a slightly silly computer I'd have to leave the game and I wouldn't get back in before bedtime.


Ben put up a pillow between the couch and the table and then told Isaac he'd need to duck under the bridge.  Isaac went under it, saying "quack quack" the whole time.

Isaac has had a very small scratch on his forehead for a few days; I think he scratched himself while sleeping but didn't notice it.  He noticed it after his nap and told Ben (and then me) that he needed to go to the doctor's office.  He said this with his very serious and sad face.

Ben asked Isaac what his favorite number was.  "i" replied Isaac.  We laughed.  Ben asked what his second favorite number was.  "e" replied Isaac.  Ahh...we have a smart son.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday: 15 weeks/friend

Joshua is 15 weeks old!

His neck control is getting much better...we've started to use the Bumbo in short spurts.

Isaac likes playing in the empty cabinet.  He was smiling for this picture, even though it looks like he's in the middle of a tantrum.  He just doesn't get how to smile nicely.

We had a friend over for a lot of the day too.  Babysitting has gotten so much easier now that Isaac is a bit older.  I don't feel like I need to play with the children for hours on end and deal with a small child.  That isn't to say that I didn't play with them, but I didn't have to do it all the time.  They actually played quite well together after the first hour, so that was fun to watch.  It was especially fun to listen to their conversation.  Neither can speak all that well (although it did show me how far Isaac has come in the last year).  Isaac did a great job sharing and wanted his friend to sit right next to him while watching Wall-E.

I also managed to save the cat by telling them they had to go on the couch to see her.  (The words in the video, since it's hard to understand, are "meow, meow, meow, meow..."

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday: neighbors

We had our new neighbors over for dessert and games this evening.  It was nice to meet them.