Today's activity was to go to the pool again. It was fun. The boys had a good time. Isaac is deathly afraid of getting water on his face which is super annoying. Joshua got dunked a few times and "jumped" off the edge.
We went home and struggled to keep Joshua awake. Of course, he was then wide awake at nap time. I handed him over to Ben who said he was full of energy the whole time I napped. He got a bit cranky after that, but it also meant he went to sleep promptly in the car.
After dinner we left. I think it was the right amount of vacation, but still sad. The group is diverse and similar at the same time. It was a good vacation.
Before I had even taken my foot off the brake to back out of the drive way Isaac asked, "are we there yet?" We were also talking about returning our car and Isaac said, "We can return it Monday or Saturday. Those are our options." He sounds so grown up when he says that, but makes no sense. Speaking of grown up, he did his first credit card transaction while getting gas today. And Joshua started creeping along furniture. He'll be walking soon.
We're currently in Indiana. I doubt we'll get out before we find a hotel, but hopefully we'll get about half way.