Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday: outside

Today we played outside for a bit after dinner.  Isaac and I played "go to bed", in which he is the parent and I am the child.  I holler for him to fix all my problems.  He's pretty good at fixing all of them except the one when I'm not sleepy.  (Oh, and all the monsters got turned into poop.)

At the same time Joshua and I played weeds.  Joshua would pick some weeds and give them to me.  He seemed very happy with himself.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday: pfft

Joshua was copying Ben's funny noise.  It's kind of hard to see.  At the end you hear Isaac saying, "Poop."  Why?  Because he is obsessed with that word lately.  It seems to come out of his mouth about every half hour.

In other news, my eye and leg were doing much, much better today.  Almost all of our flies have been gone since yesterday...I think there is still one floating around, but we're almost done.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday: right side

My right side was having issues today.  Before bed last night my right eye hurt.  I rinsed it out and it stopped hurting, but still gave me some issues.  This morning when I woke up it kept tearing up and going into lighter rooms was really hard.  However, as the day progressed it has gotten better.  It still isn't completely back to normal, but much improved.

I also have a muscle on my right side that is rather sore.  I think it is just sore and nothing else, but it sure is making going up stairs rather difficult.

I forgot to mention a conversion with Isaac from last night.  We were all in the car, and Ben had mentioned earlier that he had hit some traffic so it took him a bit longer to get home.  Isaac said, "I'm going to tell you what to do in a traffic jam, Dad."  "Ok, what?"  "Wait."  It was such grown-up sounding advice.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday: car

Well, after two busy weeks of car shopping we finally picked up our new car.

It is a Honda CR-V in dark blue.

It's a nice car, and I'm glad to have it.  I expect it'll be especially fun over the next few weeks.  But I'm really glad to be done car shopping.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday: kids

I came into Isaac's classroom at the end of the day to pick him up and he runs and gives me a huge hug.  This was pretty normal.  But then he declared that I was the best mom ever.  Aww.  He got an extra big hug for that.

Then we were in Joshua's room before dinner and he decided to walk half way across it!  Ok, maybe only three feet.  But compared to his earlier three inches it was a huge achievement.  He did it a bit later in the night too.  It seems as though he wants to do more, but the muscles get tired a bit too quickly.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday: playground, flies, sore

*This morning we went to the playground.  It was an absolutely beautiful day for it.  And we had lunch ahead of time, so Isaac wasn't constantly asking for food.  The boys played well together and the almost-toddlers were pretty good too.

*Fly status: most of the flies from upstairs have been caught, although I think there might be one or two left.  It was interesting how they seemed to get caught in pairs.  There are a bunch of flies downstairs too, so I set out another trap for them.

*Soreness: My legs have gotten more and more sore as the day goes on from yesterday's workout.  It's odd, because the workout was geared more towards arms.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday: flies

Over the weekend we got two flies in the house.  Normally we only get one at a time, and it dies within a few days.  Not this time!  Now we have a bunch of dumb flies...so we also have some fly paper.  It isn't working as quickly as I was hoping though.

In other news, I worked today (so the kids were at daycare) and then we went to the gym.  Normally I try to stay away from this, but with car shopping it just didn't happen this week.  And Joshua didn't really handle it all that well, as I had been expecting.  Ah well, now I know for sure.  (When I was picking him up from the gym he saw me and started crying and the worker felt so slow in getting him to me.)