Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday: right side

My right side was having issues today.  Before bed last night my right eye hurt.  I rinsed it out and it stopped hurting, but still gave me some issues.  This morning when I woke up it kept tearing up and going into lighter rooms was really hard.  However, as the day progressed it has gotten better.  It still isn't completely back to normal, but much improved.

I also have a muscle on my right side that is rather sore.  I think it is just sore and nothing else, but it sure is making going up stairs rather difficult.

I forgot to mention a conversion with Isaac from last night.  We were all in the car, and Ben had mentioned earlier that he had hit some traffic so it took him a bit longer to get home.  Isaac said, "I'm going to tell you what to do in a traffic jam, Dad."  "Ok, what?"  "Wait."  It was such grown-up sounding advice.

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