Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Late Monday: 14 months

Joshua turned 14 months yesterday.

Attitude: He's been pretty happy lately, except when he's not.  When he's not happy he calms down if you pick him up.  If you don't pick him up (or put him back down on the floor), he expresses his displeasure by throwing himself backwards.  Luckily, we now know the habit and cushion his fall.

Playing: He plays well by himself.  He's starting to bring books over to me to read.  Usually it is Little Blue Truck or Pout-pout fish.  I think he likes the kisses in pout-pout fish because he always puts his head close to mine when it's time for them in the book.

Motor skills: He is rapidly learning to walk.  At the rate he's going he might be walking all the time within a week, but I'm sure that by next month he will be.  He uses the walker sometimes.  He is starting to try and use a spoon, although I still put the food on it and he isn't very good with it yet.

Food: he's pretty good with whatever we're eating, but seems to like bread and meat the best.  Fruit sometimes works.  Vegetables are hard and there's no way to give him any incentive to eat them yet.  He nurses about four times a day.

Sleep: He naps for about 1.5 hours in the middle of the day.  Sometimes he'll take a short nap in the car in the morning if we're out and about.  He sleeps from 8pm until 5ish, eats, and goes back to sleep until 7am.  I'd really like to get rid of that feeding, but am afraid it'll mean that we're up at 6 or 6:30.

Attachment: he alternates preferring Ben or me better, although often either of us will do.  He's not a huge fan of going with other people, but calms down soon after we leave.

Talking: he definitely has a sign for all done.  He waves bye-bye and good night on cue.  He still doesn't have many more verbal words since last month, but there is a da he uses as a command type word in several situations.

update: he also folds his hands when you say the word "pray" and likes to turn light switches on and off.

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