Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday: odorific

There is a very unpleasant odor in our kitchen.  It is an obnoxiously illusive odor.  It likes to be smelled in the middle of the kitchen, but upon further investigation tightly curls up and says, "nevermind."  It is happy to be covered up by other odors until 2:15am in the morning when you put your preschooler back to bed because he thinks it's time to wake up.  It is happiest as you then spend the next half hour wondering if there is a dead mouse under the stove and how much noise it would actually make if you were to check right now.

And so, should you feel as though you have an exceptional nose please, come by sometime and track this odor down.  Then, perhaps, we can figure out a way to get rid of it.  (My guess is still the sink, because where else would it be?  I was going to get a lemon at the store for the garbage disposal, but ended up having to leave promptly.  And it really is just a guess.)

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