Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday: this is life

Today I cleaned the table.  Look at it!  All clean and empty.

But what you can't see is the mound of clean laundry waiting to be folded.  (There's also a load in the washer and drier too.  The closets are looking a bit empty.)

Or the kitchen, which never quite can get clean this past week.  There are places to put stuff though, so I guess it isn't as messy as possible.

This afternoon I suggested to Isaac that we go to the bird house library or color.  He suggested sewing...that was fine with me!  Both boys actually ended up on my lap.  Joshua got to push the start button and Isaac pushed the stop and all the other buttons.  Isaac was very cute as he would help Joshua reach the button and tell him how to press it..."In the middle, Josh-e-a."

After that Isaac decided there were rats on the ceiling and so ran around as fast as his legs would go.  He also pumped his arms because that made him "super, super, super fast."  He was trapping the rats, and did so for a surprising amount of time.

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