Speech: He now says "choo-choo", "uh-oh" all the time, and once in a while "neigh". I also thought I heard a pretty good button today, but it was only once. He is starting to understand what we are saying, and sometimes when I ask him were his toes are he will point to them.
Proper use: Joshua is getting very good at the "Proper" use of things. He tries to put socks and shoes on his feet...or at least show you that is were they go. Combs and telephones have been correct for a while. Trains and cars roll along the floor.
Attitude: Joshua, unsurprisingly, likes to get his way. If he doesn't, he throws a little fit and bangs his head on the floor. He then starts to cry for real because it hurt. We recently stopped reacting to this fits, even after banging his head on the floor. He also likes to see what is going on. I've started putting him on the step stool in the kitchen, surrounded by my body, so that he can see and I can have two hands. It's been working well.
Sleep: No real changes. He sleeps from 8pm until about 4am, when I nurse him. He then sleeps until about 8am. He takes one nap of varying length. He likes to sleep snuggled with someone. He's still a light sleeper and if Isaac makes a loud noise in the family room he'll usually wake up.
Food: The way to Joshua's heart is through food. He loves his food, but only certain things. I feel like the list has decreased since last month as string cheese and some fruits are now rejected. Chex mix was a huge hit.
Family: He likes Ben the best, but I'm pretty good too. He sat with several grandparents that were previously taboo. (I think food helped.)