Thursday, February 2, 2017

Thursday: life

*I should post the kids' monthly updates, but just don't feel like it.  I actually got some good pictures this time.

*Thursdays are my busy days.  I was really glad when the day was done; by dinner time I was not doing so well.

*This evening I asked Joshua what his favorite part of the day was.  Without hesitation, he said, "Granola bar," which he had for breakfast.  Then he said, "Yogurt", also part of his breakfast.  "Freda gave to me" (a caregiver).  Joshua opened his mouth.  "Freda fed it to you?"  "Yes.  I swallow."  Well, I've expected for a while that they way to Joshua's heart is through his stomach.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday: icebergs

The kids played on the back deck for a while this afternoon.  A bunch of water had gotten into our toy tote, making ice and slush in it.  They tried to find "icebergs" in the tote.

Near the end Isaac found this gigantic ice berg.  There was a lot of screaming as he was getting it out, so I ran to the back door expecting to see him face first first in the tote with water spraying all around him.  But no.  He was just using his muscles.

P.S. Do you like his wrist guards?  They're socks with the toes cut off, but nicely add a layer of protection between the mitten and coat.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday: gymnastics

Last week, during Isaac's gymnastics session, a friend from college showed up.  She has her son in the same class with Isaac and a younger one too.  Awesome!  I had been meaning to try and get together with her soon, but this was extra happy.

We went to Barnes and Noble for a treat.  I didn't tell Isaac.

Anyway, we did the same thing today.  On the way there, she mentioned that they had bought a house in the last week!  Exciting!  She mentioned the street, and I said that it sounded really familiar.  I had a friend in that subdivision and did a lot of babysitting there too.  It was one of the houses in the cal-de-sac...she bought a house in a cal-de-sac.  It was a brown house...she bought a brown house.  Turns out that it was the same house that I babysat at.

We may have been two minutes late to pick up the boys. (Although to be fair, it was a substitute teacher who ended a few minutes earlier too.)  But they had gotten their coats on and Isaac brought down my extra was good to see them take care of themselves. :)

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Saturday: half birthday

When we celebrated Isaac's birthday last month, Joshua was rather distraught that it wasn't his birthday.  So I told him we could celebrate his half birthday in a month.

Today was the day!  We used up a cupcake mix that I have had in the cupboard a rather long time, so I was happy about that.  Joshua was happy about the candles (and the frosting).  Isaac was happy for a different treat.  Ben was happy that everyone else was happy. :)

Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday: a teacher

Last night Isaac made a circuit puzzle that he was so excited for me to do.  I finally did it this morning.  Then he was going to make one for Joshua.  As they were leaving the room I called out to Isaac to make sure it was pretty simple.

Ben went out a few minutes later and found Isaac trying to teach Joshua about a very simple circuit.

It's a bit hard to see, but Joshua just has to put in one piece in the correct orientation.  Isaac was so patient with Joshua, trying to tell him how to turn in so that the contacts lined up.  I think they kept at it for at least two minutes; I'm not sure who finally put it together in the end.  

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday: spiderwebs

Two summers ago, one of the jar activities was a spider web.  Isaac loved it, but we quickly took it down when a mobile but not walking Joshua couldn't handle it.

Every once in a while he'd bring it up, and I'd usually say that Joshua wasn't old enough.  Well, he remembered again (it still surprises me) and Joshua was finally old enough.  We got some new yarn.  We made a spider web.  The kids loved it.

The parents, on the other hand, did not love it.  Yes, it was a great way for the kids to play.  But trying to get anywhere was terrible.  So it came down this evening.  Isaac was rather sad, but we'll do it again.  Possibly tomorrow, if he has any say in the matter.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday: Joshua 3

Joshua was fever free until about 4pm, when he woke up from his nap.  He was sad not to get to go to school, but he got a lot of Ipad time while I tried to get some work done and he was very excited to play the EE game with Aunt Allison.  He also wanted to play Candy Land with me and Isaac later; it was a game day for him I guess.  He was rather coughy/wheezy too though, so one more thing to watch.

In other news, both kids colored the same picture at school...
Joshua's actually is purple, but my guess is he only had one choice.