Friday, April 7, 2017

Friday: another first

Apparently I sang in my sleep last night.  Ben woke up to it and noted that I was singing, but not what song I was singing.  I wish I knew.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wednesday: friends

Amanda: Joshua, do you have a best friend?
Joshua: no, just a brother.

Isaac: 63 months

Isaac turned 63 months a week ago.

Language: Isaac loves rhyming.  The beginning of last month he just figured out how it works too...he went from asking, "Does clothes and clothes line rhyme?" to "bear care sare zare!  A rhyme!"  He doesn't always rhyme real words, but he has the concept down.  He's also noticed that many songs have rhymes in them and is very intrigued by that.

Legos: Isaac is loving Lego sets right now.  Finding time for the digger is one of his priorities first things in the day.  He currently has three other ones going because they always look shiny.  He does a really good job putting them together.

Jesus: His faith is growing, and it's interesting to see what he picks up on.  He tells me that he loves me infinities of infinities of infinities much, and Jesus an infinity more.  One afternoon at Legoland I told him to think about sleeping for his nap, and he told me he was thinking about Jesus.

surprises: Isaac loves surprises.  I've been trying to not tell him the more fun things that we are going to do that day.

imagination: Isaac does not lack for imagination.  The other day at school I needed to wait about five minutes while he finished a project.  It was a potion, for Giraffe, that needed to be cooked so that Giraffe could gain a power.  (There was a specific power, but I don't remember what it was.)  He made a hanger (with a 3M hook) and made the fire.

School: speaking of school, Isaac is still enjoying school.  I'm not sure there is much academic advancement going on, but I'm sure he's solidifying concepts and learning other things.  I have noticed that he is suddenly coloring in the lines much better and seems to care about what color things are.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Monday: I'm grumpy! Leave your bib on!

Oh Joshua.  He's congested and there's just not much I can do for him.  We slept in the guest bed last night because it just wasn't working for him last night.

I heard a lot of "I'm grumpy!" today, meaning he needed a nose wipe.  For some reason he seems to have lost the ability to do it by himself.  And since he's congested my wipe wasn't always able to help.

This evening Ben and Isaac were putting together the next step of the digger and all I heard was "Leave your bib on!!" over and over again.  Apparently Ben was supposed to wear a pillow as a bib...a hard task for sure while you're putting together Legos.  Eventually he was declared clean and didn't have to wear it though.  We do not lack for imagination in this house.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sunday: digger 2

Finding time to work on the digger was Isaac's #1 priority today.

Joshua: 31/32 months

I didn't take pictures at 31 months.  It's the first month I missed.  I was a bit annoyed at myself, but decided to carry on.

mood: Joshua was not in the mood to take pictures.  However, I don't ask it of him very often so I just snapped some so life could go on.  Joshua tends to be pretty happy, but gets scared easily.  He is also often in the mood to cuddle.  His moods swing back and forth rather quickly.  He is working on not throwing a fit the first time he asks for something; I'm working on listening to him better and responding promptly.

activities: Joshua still likes music a lot.  He choose a Barbie CD from the library and wanted to listen to it a lot.  (It was just pop songs; the only Barbie thing was the cover.)  Duplos and Legos are still chosen on a regular basis.  He loves birthdays and keeps telling people he's three.  He likes to run, especially with Isaac.

eating: eating is still rather hard  He does a good job at breakfast with yogurt and a granola bar.  Lunch is usually pretty good because I let him choose his main item (often a bagel) with fruit and crunchy beans.  I've learned that he prefers his banana in the peel.  He rarely eats much for dinner.  Sometimes a bit, but often it is just the fruit.

lovies: Joshua loves Bear, who is a pretty constant companion.  Not all the time, but often.  Ben and I asked if he could wait two minutes to get Bear today and the look he gave us was incredulity.  He also has elephant, teddy bear, little bear, blue bear, EE, and dragon.  They all sleep with him; there's barely room for him.

Motor skills: fine motor skills are obviously progressing since he can so some Legos.  He's also working on putting his own clothes on.  This does tend to be a bit of a struggle though.  So we've implemented "pajamas are a privilege" and until he gets dressed without a tantrum we will be getting dressed right away in the morning.  At night he's tired and flopping all over the place, so that's hard too.  However, one morning in Florida Isaac helped him and he got all but one sleeve by it's working.

expressions: Joshua has the best expressions.  Usually they show up when we did something that he sees as foolish, such as turning over the cup that had EEs pretend ice cream in it.

school: Joshua still likes school.  He went to the 3yr old room on Thursday and apparently did great!  But then when he heard my voice lost it and cuddled for the next several minutes while Isaac finished a project.  Yesterday, Saturday, his favorite thing that he did was ride the bus to school.  He's been doing a great job counting and can get up to 13 pretty easily.

bathroom: He's still potty trained; no relapses.  He had a few accidents over break, but we managed and it was understandable as Grandpa's house is just so exciting.  I'm trying to get him off having an M&M every time he goes on the toilet.  I give them if he asks, but don't just give them any more.  He's been pretty good at getting his pants up, so if I'm not around he doesn't seem to think about it either.

sunglasses: all winter he wouldn't go outside without his sunglasses.  Now that the sun is coming out he's willing to go without them and in fact refuses them sometimes.  Life is an adventure. :)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Saturday: Legos

The boys wanted to play Legos pretty much all day.  Isaac woke up and went downstairs to look at the set again; Joshua joined him.

We dragged them away to have a treat with Dad and Pat and then to see the forensics team at the library.  And for dinner.

Really, it was a win-win for everyone.  Ben had a good time with the boys.  Isaac had a good time with Ben and did a lot of the putting together.  Joshua helped a bit, but kept himself entertained.  I had a quieter day and that was lovely too.