Ahh, it was a weird day.
Isaac had a snow day today. It wasn't a great day for it since I was working, but we had made some back up plans with Cheryl the night before in case Isaac was sick. So he still had a place to go that he enjoyed. (The roads were rather bad though. It took me 45 minutes to drop everyone off and get to work when it should have been closer to 20/25 minutes.)
I had an exam in the morning. I usually prep in the morning and teach in the afternoon, so my whole day was thrown off.
At noon I got a text saying that Isaac had a fever again. That meant we needed to go to the doctor, and I completely forgot about an appointment at school that I had made. (Not a huge deal, but inconsiderate of me.) The doctor isn't really sure what Isaac has. It isn't strep and it isn't meningitis. But it's real because his lymph nodes are huge. We're at a waiting stage.
We pick up Joshua and go home. I park the car in the road and shovel a path for the boys to walk to the house. Isaac goes to the path and starts walking up. Joshua runs right around the car and directly into a snow bank. After three steps he falls flat on his face. I don't know why he didn't go to the path...I told them several times.
Isaac fell asleep at 7pm on the couch and stayed there for about five hours. He woke up really sad because he still wanted books. We were still awake, so he got some books.
...I still have quite a bit of grading to do.