Sunday, December 31, 2017

Vacation: getting on the boat

The children woke up at 6am.  We kept them in bed for a little bit longer, but it is hard when your brother is awake too.  I finally got up with them and had breakfast.  Then they did their exercises...running up and down the ramp.

We got to the boat late morning.  As with all Disney things, I'm always impressed by their logistics handling.  Lines were moving, people were available for questions, and there was minimal confusion.  As we got on the boat they announced our name, "Welcome to the Hilldore Family!!"  and a bunch of cast members greeted us with clapping and smiles.  I'll admit that it seems like a super boring job, but was still pretty cool.

We couldn't get to our rooms right away, so we made our way to the top deck.  We went around the back way, which included some windows viewing.

We had been planning on swimming first, but decided that ice cream first was a better option.  Priorities.

We eventually put on our suits.  Isaac was big enough for the big water slide, so he said that he would go down it once each day with Ben and me.  So Ben and I each went down it once.  Joshua was too small, but there was a lovely small pool that was on the edge of the boat and had some windows looking down.  It was just right for Joshua.

Right before dinner there was a leaving port party.

Joshua ended up being most excited to see Chip and Dale.
 (Isaac is in orange in the middle.)  He didn't really love the dance party and declined to go to any others during the trip. :)

At dinner I had sea bass - and it was delicious!  Joshua saw a painting during a bathroom break and apparently decided that it looked like Mickey was trapped.  He went around to each person at the table, made them look him in the eye and solemnly announced that Mickey was trapped.

After dinner we all went to the kids area for a bit.  There were some cool "hyperspace" simulators (i.e. Star Wars)

We went to the start of the welcome show, but the kids weren't very into it so we left half way through.  It was going to be a week of late nights, so a only slightly late night for the first one wasn't a bad idea.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Saturday: travel

Well, we're back home.  With so much snow that we couldn't get the car in the driveway - I needed to snow blow over most places twice to get it clear.

Travel went fine.  It was a long day, but there were no problems.

It was Isaac's birthday today.  It was a rather sad birthday, as birthdays go, but we usually celebrate in the summer anyway.  There were a few small special things for him and lots of people said 'happy birthday'.

More posts will be coming about the vacation.  I wasn't ready to be done, but it's also nice to be home.

Friday: travel

After a poor night's sleep due to an early flight and possibly icy roads, it was finally time to go.

The roads weren't icy.  We got to the airport easily, got through security easily, and had breakfast.  Everyone else came through shortly.

Joshua and grey Bear both got some wings.

We got first class and it was amazing.  First off, Isaac got some whiskey. (He only took a sip before giving it to me and the stewardess came back to get it.) (I received several apologies and questions if Isaac was all right.) The seats reclined and my nap was so comfortable.

The hotel was nice... How could it not be? I fell asleep at 8:15.  I was in bed because the kids were in bed and I couldn't keep my eyes open.  I decided to not try and fight it.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thursday: Isaac and Christmas

Isaac had a Christmas party today at school.  Apparently it didn't feel much like a Christmas party to him since he was confused when we asked him if he enjoyed his Christmas party.  But I got to go and help out a bit and that was fun.  I tried to put faces to a few of the names that Isaac has mentioned.  (We finally figured out the name of "the friend I see at recess and once in the bathroom and once at lunch.  But now he plays with someone at recess whose name is "my silly friend.")

I didn't take any pictures during the party, but I did find his picture up in the hallway.  The first one was outside his classroom: Mrs. Kreple had taken a picture of each student.

The second picture was being the winner of the Gratitude award.  The caption reads, "Isaac shows gratitude in school every day!  He works to use awesome manners by always saying "thanks" when given help with an assignment.  I am so very proud to have Isaac in class this year!"

Isaac's last funny thing recently is that he switched his view on Santa - from not believing in him to thinking he's real.  He told me it was because everyone in his class thought Santa was real as I was trying to explain to him why we don't yell, "Santa's not real" at Joshua's school.  It was a confusing conversation, so I stopped talking.  Here we have our first documentable instance of peer pressure at work. :s  (Although I'm not sure how strong his conviction is.  We'll just see how it plays out.)

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wednesday: story time, spa time

We went to story time at the library today.  (I won't say how long it took Joshua to get into his car seat, but we did just make it in time.)  This is what happened after story time was done.

Later in the day I had a spa time.  The boys worked on my hair, Joshua gave me hand massages with a screw driver, and Joshua checked other things out...he gave me the cool glasses and is checking to see what I can hear in a plastic bag in the picture below.  A bit crazy, but it feels nice to have them work on my hair and there haven't been any snarls.  yet.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tuesday: work

Today the boys went to school...and I went back home. :D

I finished up grading. Yay.

I did some packing for our trip.  I realized last night that internet will be sparse and I instantly panicked: what if I don't have enough books on the kindle????  I'm not sure why this was my worry, as the Kindle can fit a lot of books...

However, I'm excited that was my worry instead of something else.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday: today

Things are getting better over here.  Everyone is mostly healthy.  Everyone got out of the house today, which was sorely needed.  There still seems to be some discontent (from everyone) but we're working through it.

Joshua helped me make lasagna of Ben's favorites from grouping up.  It's the first time I've made lasagna, so it was a bit of a learning experience.  After cooking it Joshua said, "Yummy!  I love this!" and proceeded not to eat much.  He realized that he does the same thing with pizza this weekend..."I love pizza but don't eat it."  We also have been getting a lot of "yummy in my toes" lately.