Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wednesday: playground, ice skating

We met some friends at the playground.  Leah gave us dandelions.

The boys had ice skating lessons again.  They were a teacher short, so Joshua was just standing in one place for five minutes.  Then he decided to move because that was boring.  He proceeded to come to me watching at the wall.  So I moved to the other side of the rink and he followed me back...several times.

Isaac did better than last week but still doesn't move much.  He needs to bend his knees more...hopefully next week there will be a bit more instruction.  He enjoys it though, so that's the most important.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday: haircuts

I cut the boys' hair today.  They've been needing one for a while, but I wanted to do it makes it so much easier.

Well, after that they continued to play outside.  They blew the hair from the deck with a manual air pump that I had tried to throw out last summer but continues to be an awesome toy.  Then the squirt bottles came out and I have no idea what they were doing, but there were wet socks again.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Monday: quilt show

Today Joshua and I finished up the raspberry plot.  Joshua finished up his stick garden.

We went to the quilt show after school.

Then we went to get some tulip pictures.  The boys...I mean Isaac and Puppy, were happy to have their picture taken several times.  (Puppies have their tongues sticking out.)

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sunday: quote

We were watching a Planet Earth show about mountains.

Joshua: I think mountains are bigger than Dad.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Saturday: race

Today was the kids' fun run.  It was advertised as a 1k, which I think it has been in the past.  This time Isaac had a 0.5mi run (which I just converted and it is 0.8km, so not that far off) and Joshua had a 0.2mi run.

It worked out quite well though.  I got tired around the 0.3 mi mark and started walking fast.  Isaac kept going...but he isn't a very fast runner.  He kept moving the whole time, although he did slow down to take a drink.  We were near the end of the pack, but oh well.  It has been rather cold and we didn't prepare for it as well as we could have.

Joshua and Ben and Grey Bear ran the whole race and finished rather near the front.  At that point Joshua was more worried about getting a snack than the fact that he had just run a race.

We then proceeded to walk a mile back to our car.

Upon getting home, but boys played out in the raspberry dirt some more.  They started by hammering it, but then used shovels and a rake.  The last time I looked at them Joshua was working again on making a stick forest near the raspberries.

Friday, May 4, 2018

half the nights: teeth

When I go to sleep before Ben, I have the tendency to ask Ben if he brushed his teeth when he comes to bed.  I know that he does, but I fall asleep in between the time that he comes in the room and when he comes to bed, so it feels as though he hasn't had enough time to brush his teeth.

It is quite hilarious how much I care about whether or not his teeth are brushed.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thursday: raspberry prep and other stuff

It's exam week, so my schedule is wackier than normal.  I also have an exam in the last exam slot, Friday at 12:30pm.  (Note - the students were not happy about this.  However, I warned them several times not to make arrangements to go home, start jobs, etc.  For once, students listened!  I did have one change to the other section's time slot due to a job, but he at least asked first.  Anyway...)  I was working this morning and instead of grading like I should have been doing I instead worked on making a program to grade for me.  It was about 1000x more interesting than grading, and I can at least pretend that it will help the grading go faster later.

This afternoon we started raspberry prep with CC.  We got dirt and some barrier stuff and a fence. 

It turns out we only got enough dirt, but we also don't have the raspberry plants yet so there is enough time to finish it up.  Putting it all together was easier than I expected and the kids had a blast.  I think they especially enjoyed hammering the dirt.  It had clumps in it that were unacceptable.

Isaac wanted me to take a picture of his Fun Dip so that he "can remember it forever."  Since it'll get lost in the plethora of pictures, I'll put it here so there is a slightly better chance.