Thursday, May 21, 2020

For Joshua's Lego challenge I gave him an apple or a horse.  I was interested to see how he would combine them.  He made an apple and a catapult.  Obviously.

I made Joshua get dressed for the first time in..oh...10 weeks.  He wasn't happy and changed back into PJs and stayed in them the rest of the day.

We got his bike out for the first time.  I think we'll need to take the pedals off and use it as a balance bike.

Isaac's life skill was to put up the swing.  A small life skill, but he had to figure out how to do it.  He put it up in one place and we decided it wasn't a good place and he was so sad.  I moved it for him, but we talked about how sometimes you have to do things multiple times and it's really annoying.

Wednesday: goal failed

My goal was to wear pajama pants for the entire lock-down.  Today I failed and wore jeans the whole day. 

You see, I was actually supposed to see people today.  I gave blood in the morning.  It went so much faster than last time and I was back home within an hour.

I was also supposed to see the sprinkler people to get the sprinklers started.  (Yes, we know how to start the sprinklers.  But there are always several that need to be fixed and replaced and we just don't want to deal with that.)  Well, I've been unimpressed with these people so far.  It took them three tries to get to our house last year, and they usually didn't call to reschedule.  Let alone call to say they weren't coming.  They called this year and I called back to schedule.  They weren't available, so I left a message to call me.  They didn't.  When I called them later they said that they had got the message...

Anyway, after this long rant you won't be surprised to learn that they didn't show up nor did they call.  It turns out that Cheryl had the time slot before us, and it seems as though they got to her house very late.  Maybe when they were done they thought, "Oh, we just finished Hilldore.  We're all set."?  But at the same time, if you're running really late and suddenly you're not running late shouldn't that be a red flag that something is wrong?  Or the fact that you have two Hilldore's on your list?  Or two different addresses?  Or did something get mixed up on the scheduling side?

It doesn't matter.  I'm done with them.  Showing up to appointments 25% of the time and not communicating just doesn't do it for me.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Joshua and I conducted a scientific test to see what the most ticklish part of his body is.

1. Armpits
2. Feet
3. knee
4. tummy
5. Back
6. Chin

It involved a lot of screaming. :D

Isaac made an ice box lemon pie all by himself, including the crust.  Well, I got out some of the things from up high and helped with one stir.  But that was barely anything.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday: week 10 day 1

Art started out the school week.  Cheryl had brought some cars to put together, so the boys did that.  Isaac added a special twist and then they painted them.

Joshua was tasked with making a watermelon or a fridge.  He combined them.

I let Isaac work on some logic puzzles for math.  Ben and I have been working on the hard versions...and they're hard.

Joshua also showed me how Horizon can turn into a donut.  It's so obvious.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday: walk

It was a beautiful day (and we had a bit of time to burn), so we went to some trails.  It wasn't too busy.  The trails were smaller and more 'trail-blazy' than most trails we've done recently, and the boys seemed to actually enjoy it.  They often don't, so it was a nice change of pace.  Maybe it was because Ben joined us.

We walked by a fast river.  The boys were a bit scared.

It was our anniversary.  We got a few pictures, but we didn't exactly dress up for it.

After taking assorted pictures Joshua wanted one with just Ben.

Isaac thought he saw a Venus flytrap in the water.  A minute after looking, Ben realized there was a frog.

We found a bench!  The boys immediately turned it into a toy.

Thursday: rainy day

Isaac finished up the shelves

A few years ago I had a crazy idea of collecting bubble wrap so that the boys could have a bubble wrap stampede.  I was cleaning out the basement and it was rainy today so it seemed like a perfect time to actually get them out.  They had fun, but it didn't last quite as long as I was hoping.

Joshua wanted to do sensory activity, so I got some quinoa out.  (It's been used as sensory before.)

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Wednesday: life skills and Lego challenges

Joshua made a four scoop ice cream cone as one of his Lego challenges today.  I also challenged him to use color appropriately, and it worked very well.

Isaac's life skill was to put together shelves that we had just got.  He did an excellent job by himself, but the shelves themselves are rather large and unwieldy so he did get some help.

Joshua's next Lego challenge was a pirate ship.  He used colors well again and it turned out great!

It was also a nice day today, so I pushed Joshua in the stroller to pick up some cat food.  He fell asleep for the second half, which was the second goal of the trip.