I came out of the bedroom Friday morning to get (second) breakfast ready for the boys, and Joshua is "barely" moving.
A: What's wrong?
J, groaning: I do all the hard work.
A: oh. Go pick out a yogurt.
J: ok mom, let's play a game. [Out of this pile of things, you] tell Joshua what to hide and then Puppy will go find it.
A: uh, ok
He played hide-and-seek with himself for a solid 20 minutes.
Joshua is currently sleeping on the couch. I think he's suddenly afraid of spiders in his room. But I've run the duster in all the corners and there aren't any spiders. Ben and I are wondering if it's the shadows + rough ceiling + being half awake. He decided to sleep on the couch tonight and before we knew what was happening, apparently both Ben and I had agreed.