Saturday, July 25, 2020


Yesterday we went to visit Aunt Sue and Uncle Lee.  A lot of the things that we normally do with them, including the pool and mini-golf, were closed, but we still had a good time.  We drove around in the golf cart, stopped at all the playgrounds, and had ice cream.

Today was a pretty normal day.  We had some school, we went for a hike, and the boys made an edible experiment.

The goal was to make an edible pinecone because that's what Isaac wanted to make.  I gave them pretty much free range and just left them alone.  They ended up using cookie cutters to cut circles out of fig bars, put nutella on them and stuck chocolate chips and peanuts to them.  They tried using pretzels as sticks to hold them, but I think it was around that time that it all started falling apart.  Apparently it was still yummy though.

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