Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thursday: lost in the desert

Since it was supposed to be a hot day, I told the boys were were going to do a walk first thing.  I had been expecting a walk around the lake, but Isaac wanted to do a trail and I wasn't about to say no!  The suddenly the boys were on a mission to get lost in the desert.  

We made it to the desert.  We got slightly lost, but not as much as last time...just the right amount, actually.  It helped that I wasn't trying to get to the parking lot quickly.

Isaac used his new piping set for some chocolates.  They didn't turn out fancy, but you can tell there is some texture to them.

Joshua made a desert temple for his Lego challenge.  He put a lot of thought into what should be in the treasure chests and made a scraggly tree with dull green leaves since it's in the desert.

In the afternoon we stopped by church so Joshua could ask, "How was God created?"  The question came up a few days ago and then yesterday Joshua brought it up again.  Since I didn't have a great response to that, we went to see an expert.  (To be fair, half of this learning process is that you can go ask other people your questions.  And some questions don't have good answers.)  Pastor JD did a nice job explaining how it's just a mystery and that lots of people have wondered the same thing.

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