Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday: growing things

First let's look at the things that are growing on our deck:

Beans: only growing weeds.

lettuce: only growing weeds

flowers: growing well

Lavendar: I think it's just weeds

Flowers: growing well, after we got rid of the dead mini-sunflowers

Unknown: growing well.  These were growing in the worm bin dirt and I had an extra pot, so I transplanted them.  I'm wondering if they are pumpkins, but I'm not convinced.  It's a fun mystery.

Isaac: is having a bit of a hard time.  He gets to chore time and just can't handle life anymore and cries.  He's bored.  It's understandable.

Joshua: we recently started putting him to bed a half hour earlier, 7:30pm.  This has been a good change as his legs are working properly during chore time.  Today he also made a dump truck and a ghost jail, among other un-pictured things.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

We have 2 pots of vegetables (peppers and tomatoes) and two pots of mostly dirt/weeds. 😁