Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tuesday: hard day

Isaac had a hard day again today.  He didn't want to do his school stuff, and after a half hour of moping around and sort of working on it I sat next to him and he knocked it out in a minute.  We have school because otherwise this summer would be really boring, and it isn't as though there aren't fun things to choose as part of school.  It's frustrating.  And I don't know how much is him being stubborn and how much is dealing with COVID isolation.

We did go to a friends house (outside) today!  There were some trampolines and a fun swing.  Isaac enjoyed it, but maybe not quite as much as I was hoping.  We also took a walk to a nearby playground, which went over a bit better.  In any case, it was something different to do, made school end sooner and lunch start later.  And I had a great time chatting with Amie.

Joshua is still doing fine.  No significant attitude changes, especially now that he has an earlier bedtime.  It's made a huge difference and I haven't heard one word of complaint from him, so I don't know if he doesn't realize that Isaac gets to stay up a little later or if he just doesn't care.

We'll try again tomorrow, although I have even fewer plans than today.

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