Friday, July 31, 2020

Friday: shenanigans

We went for a walk to get some pet food today.  Since we had a lot of pet food to bring back, we brought the stroller.  I was teasing the boys that they should push me, so Isaac finally said, "sure."  I got in and they ran away.

A little bit later Isaac said that he'd actually push me.  So he turned the stroller around and started pushing me back the way we came...until he pushed me into the grass.

On the way home the boys yelled one of the following at the top of their lungs almost the whole time: "wet hei-hei" or "volcano lava monster living chicken nuggets".  I think they were trying to get it stuck in my head.  It didn't really work, but I was rather annoyed by the time we got home.  I didn't stop them though, since it wasn't really hurting anything and they were laughing.

Joshua made a cage for his new dragon.  It has a fire bed, fire to eat, and lava to drink.

He also melted his Popsicle.  I don't know why.

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