Sunday, August 2, 2020

Saturday: puzzle, microwave

I finished a puzzle that I started earlier this week.  It was a good puzzle, but I realized about an hour after I got it out that I didn't really want to use up that much floor/counter space.  I tried to do it quickly.  I also couldn't stop thinking about how much work it was going to be to pack everything back up in the car (and unload afterwards).  Why do they need so much stuff at the beach?

Our new microwave finally was installed today.  It doesn't work.  Apparently they didn't actually test the heating/defrosting function before they left.  It'll probably be two weeks before the maintenance can get out to take a look at it.  (But maybe we'll be lucky.)

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Big bummer on the microwave! After you already waited SO long! At least you have a temporary microwave and aren't totally without. :(