Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday: school saga, life

 Well, Ben and I were on the same page regarding schooling, so the boys will still be in virtual school for at least the first trimester.  I think we both have different "main" reasons, but the end result is still the same.

I cleaned a gutter today.  It was completely blocked.  It's one of those things that if a child had been doing it I would have taken their picture for the blog.  But the kids don't think that way, so there's no picture.

My calf is sore.  It's rather surprising.  We walked several steps up and down yesterday, but I didn't think so many that my muscle would be this sore.  Maybe it's from something else?

Isaac and Joshua are leaving for two days tomorrow.  They're so excited.  Here is Joshua's packing list.  The things with the checks are packed, the others are warnings because they're not packed yet.


Heather D. said...

Love the packing list!

betsy said...

Glad you have a plan!!! 🤗