Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday: missing

Things that are somewhat missing...

My pants:  I was getting dressed yesterday for work and felt like I had significantly fewer pants to choose from than normal.  One had a stain on them, but I don't think that any were in the wash.

Joshua's underwear: Joshua said "Did you know you can wear two pairs of underwear at once?!?" earlier this week, and there seemed to be a ton in the wash this week.

My beginning of school excitement: Joshua and I worked on the classroom a bit more today and we could easily start.  I'm sure a few things will change and there are some minor things I still want to move around, but it's pretty ready.

1 cup raspberries: I thought I had enough raspberries to make jam yesterday, but was two cups short.  I picked again this morning but only got one cup worth.  (I did get that last cup this evening, but it was too late to make jam.)

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