I was reading my book during rest time, about to fall asleep, and Isaac comes into the bedroom, tears just streaming down his face. Now, they were having screen time, so I didn't expect that it was a physical problem. (Let's face it, the cry was also not an "I'm in pain" cry.)
After a bit I got him to tell me the problem - he had broken Minecraft. He's been really into command blocks lately, and managed to make one that somehow made one player stuck in place and the other player not able to get down to the command block... it kept transporting player 2 back to an undesired location.
I gave it my best shot. I've been hearing the stuff they've been doing, so I thought we could do a substitution...command blocks for air. But it's been a long time since I've done any Minecraft, and I couldn't easily get it to work. I couldn't even tell if what I was doing did anything. I told the boys we'd have to wait for the expert. There were still some tears, but I think they were more or less controlled.
Ben worked on it this evening. He had the same idea that I did (!!) but was able to actually execute it in a better way. It took him a little bit, but not too long. The relief on Isaac's face was almost palatable and he was able to go to bed with one less worry.
I know the feeling. I understand crying about this. The boys have poured hours into the world, making towers and fireworks and I have no idea what else. I know it's just a game, but I also understand that huge relief that comes when Ben is able to fix a computer issue.