Sunday, February 14, 2021

Sunday1: decisions

Well, we made a decision about the last trimester for the boys' schooling.  We've decided to keep them home for another semester.

It was a bit of a hard decision again, but it wasn't hard for the same reason as it was in the fall.  In the fall it felt like we were choosing between two bad options.  Now it feels like we're choosing between two good options.

The main reason(s) we're staying home is because it seems like it would be a hard transition to go back to school at this point.  It's one thing to have that transition in the fall when everyone's in the same boat, but I think right now it would be harder.  Furthermore, the boys have been doing a good job being self-motivated and getting their work done and they want to stay home.  It's also been nice sleeping in and not having to go to after school pickup.  There are still slight concerns about health issues if many students go back to school and the new variants coming through, but those played less of a role in our decision this time than in the past.

Isaac's teacher also gave us some feedback, pretty much saying that either option would be fine.  It was reassuring.

Saturday, February 13, 2021


 Ben let the boys play on the drums a bit today.  They enjoyed it. :)

Friday, February 12, 2021


I've been having the boys (especially Isaac) shovel the end of the driveway as one (or two) of their chores.  The snow hasn't been too heavy, so I haven't felt bad about asking them to do it.  In fact, I really feel like I'm winning as a parent. :D

Thursday, February 11, 2021


 I received this email a few days back.  It was from a student who is remote learning and I was checking in to make sure everything was working ok.  It probably made me happier than it should have.

"Hi, I think this class is going very well. It is definitely the best class I’ve had as a remote learner in terms of how it’s structured. I really appreciate you reaching out because most professors do not. I also wanted to say that I enjoy how the class is engaging for the student rather than the student just listening to a lecture. I’ve never enjoyed going to class before until now. For some reason this is the only class I’ve ever had that I’m excited about and that’s the honest truth (And I’m not just saying that either). I can’t wait to see what else we learn because I’m going to be using excel a lot in my future job. Thank you for everything so far. "


 Yes, it's been two years since Flurry died, but we took these videos right before she was put down.  It's been on my to-do list to post them for a while, and I'm finally getting around to it.  (And possibly ignoring other stuff I should be doing.)

Wednesday: well child

Isaac had his well-child visit today.  It went well, as expected.  He's in the 13% for weight and 54% for height, which puts him in the 2% for weight/height ratio.  I guess running around the house tackling his brother has paid off.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Tuesday: tired

 I got home from work and was tired.  It's been a long few days.  It's been snowing a lot though, so that's been pretty.